Lauren tagged me so here I go!
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
- babysitting
- still "enjoying" elementary school
- I was IN Sunday school not teaching it
- complaining to my parents about my annoying little brothers
- getting ready for my "wonderful" teen years
5 Snacks I Enjoy:
- chocolate silk soy milk
- apples with honey or nutella
- corn chips or rice chips with salsa
- soy beans and salt
- all kinds of fruit
5 TV Shows I've Seen Every Episode Of:
- Saved by the Bell
- Full House
- Home Improvement
- Friends
- Gilmore Girls
5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
- pay off all my and Cams debts as well as both our families debts
- travel around the world, go back to Hawaii!
- give to our churches and organizations which are important to us
- invest, especially in realestate like flipping homes and having fun with different kinds of properties
- have Cam do whatever it is he wants to do with a big yard, in the means of giving him the financial freedom to garden and landscape till he can't no more!
5 Bad Habits:
- staying up too late
- eating too much when I'm obviously full
- watching too much tv when I have nothing better to do (that won't happen at school though!)
- not doing my homework when I should
- being impatient (probably my worse habit)
5 Things I Like To Do:
- spend my time with Cam!
- hang out with my family, and Cams parents, his sisters too but I don't get to see them enough **sniff sniff**
- have coffee (or in my case, tea) with friends, just spend time talking and hanging out
- I love to read, especially my bible and other Christian related books, haha... even the ones required for school
- staring at nature, like watching the stars or just sitting outside, playing in the rain, walks... suntanning!
5 Things I Would Never Wear Again:
- super low, butt crack jeans :P
- giant t-shirts which are obviously way too big
- shorter tops
- dresses with no substance
- crazy flower printed, neon type clothing, eeekkk...
5 Favorite Toys:
- my moms 2007 Honda Fit
- Camera
- iBook G4 Mac laptop
- my cell phone
- my mexico blanket (it may not be a "toy" but its one of my favorite things)
5 Things I Can't Stand:
- people who expect other people to do everything for them
- people who are just rude... all the time!
- people who can't drive
- people who "can't or don't" unload their grocery baskets when they obviously had no problem loading them
- people who ignore other people when they are on their cell phones :P
Now it's my turn to tag 5 people.
And I tag…- Dara, Jen, Michele, Nantina, and Amber.