This is my friend Kortney Story with her husband Jordon. I actually stole this photo from her facebook photo album, but I wanted to share some exciting news with you guys because I am SUPER excited and happy for her and well, right now it feels like this is happening to so many of my friends.
She just found out last Tuesday because well, like me (well still "maybe" for me), but she has Endometriosis and has been on hormone treatment for the past two years. Which means she had no idea this was happening even though she was super sick all the time. She figured it was morning sickness. SO... Both Becky and Kortney are pregnant, which means two brand-new babies at my wedding (hopefully!) WOW! a whole new kind of role now, a new kind of "time" of life now that its happening where married friends start having babies.
I told Kort on the phone today "I want a baby!" and its true, I do... but most definitely not right away, although if it was to happen right away I would still be thrilled!
What makes me really hopeful knowing that Kort got pregnant? That it can happen for me too... you see with Endo, you read stats that say that 40% of those with Endo are infertile. And although I refuse to believe that for myself, there is that high possibility of it happening. Even the thought of your chances rising that high that you may not be able to carry children... it makes one who has a great hope to be a mother, feel desperately saddened. I mourned that statistic until I got up one day and talked to Cam and decided that wasn't going to be me. But still... I am hopeful that a fellow Endo patient got to conceive because I have read of many who haven't.
and even if Endo isn't my problem, I still feel exactly the same way!
so... CONGRATS KORTNEY AND JORDON, you are both going to make excellent parents! :)
Blessings everyone!