so... its been a while! so sorry for the delay in postings... its been a crazy life these days, but SO MUCH FUN! as well. Cam has delighted me by reminding me what is most important right now, and thats my health, and not the perfection of "little details" but just the relaxation of enjoying this time and the chaotic wonderful that comes with it!
so what have I been up to lately!?
Last week, on the 4th there was the CBC Christmas Banquet. I thankfully got the Thursday and Friday off, which was so wonderful! so I showed up on campus on Wednesday night after my shift and crashed at the ladies place of 621 M
edowoods. (thanks girls!). And then the next morning was up and refreshed to get the keys to OUR PLACE! yipppeeee... Cam and I went in with the manager, did our inspection, paid our first months rent and then he left. We were sitting on the ground to our what will soon be "living room" and just realised what had happened. Hahahahaha... it was such a wonderfully surreal moment. I loved it! forever will I remember that. We picked spaces for his desk, our tv, our soon to be bought couch, and our kitchen table. Its going to be so MUCH FUN! Then it was Christmas banquet, I was over and Julies place getting ready... and there we were, all pretty and eating a wonderful turkey dinner. It was such a great time. Then bowling afterwards, where I BEAT CAM! yipppeeee.... and I did it just at the last second too... the last round, he was a little sad, but I told him that he has the rest of his life to try and take me down! hahaha... Then I went back home on Friday with Cam... to Langley where my parents moved into their new house! SO PRETTY! I love this new house, we then went out and met our officiant and his wife (Eric and Mary Ens) in Delta for dinner and then came back to Lang
ley. Saturday was work for me which was actual such a great shift, then Sunday MY SHOWER! SOOOOO much fun, there was like over 20 people and I got sooo spoiled! Like seriously spoiled, I was soooo surprised. I felt loved beyond all else, and had such a hoot. THANK YOU EVERYONE! Now... eleven days left until my big day. I just keep waking up with a grin on my face :D I am sooo excited, and so blessed and soooo psyched for life forever with my Cameron.
so what have I been up to lately!?
Last week, on the 4th there was the CBC Christmas Banquet. I thankfully got the Thursday and Friday off, which was so wonderful! so I showed up on campus on Wednesday night after my shift and crashed at the ladies place of 621 M
Thank you to all who have been praying for us, and who have been praying for me and my stress levels, I am at the point (with lots of help from Cam) to accept things the way they will turn out. The most important thing is that Cam and I are getting married, that on the 20th we say "i do" and exchange rings, kiss and are forever one. Thats the most important and most incredible thing, so if the programs don't get done, or the table stands, or my schedule does not go "as planned" its okay... because I will still be Mrs. Stehr by 2pm on the 20th of December and thats what I have been waiting for! :D