My mom text messaged me (we constantly text message, its our "thing") that I had to promise her to check out the online tv sermons that you can watch on the website. And so I tried watching a few the other day, and too bad that I had to leave for work cause in that 28 minutes my entire outlook on things changed! Its just that I guess I haven't been focused on the true things in life. Its hard when you feel like you've lost yourself, thats exactly how I've felt lately.
Okay... so enough of my "diary blabbing" whats coming up for us? We are going CAMPING! with the family... well, with my brothers. Mom and Dad can't come cause they are already taking time off for Palm Dessert this August (lucky butts!).
As well, I can officially announce (since I told my boss this morning) that I will be leaving IGA the first week of November and take some time off to visit family, and study my butt off because....... IM GOING BACK TO CBC FULL TIME IN JANUARY! yipppeee.. Im sooooo excited. The plan is also for me to complete my Masters Degree very soon afterwards and study to be a Christian Counselor where I can work pretty well anywhere (church, school, own practice). I will be cramming three semesters hopefully into two, and do some correspondance next summer with a "sister college" of CBC's from Alberta. We'll see how it works out, I still need to complete an internship as well. Its going to be sooo hard, so I definitely need to start doing something in my routine to handle stress.
loves and hugs all!
ps. me and the boys went to the Kutless concert on Sunday and it was AWESOME! very upbeat, one of those types that gets you teary.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
okay... so since I have some time I can now blog about the past adventures in the lives of well, my hubby and I. Not entirely interesting, but here it goes.
July 1st... it didnt even feel like a stat holiday since that was MOVING DAY! which was wonderful to say the least. Cams best man at the wedding, Trevor came to help out, that was awesome. We also had the help of brother Jason, My parents and Cams parents! wow! karen (my mother in law) also prepared lunch so I wouldn't have to worry about it. It was fantastic! now... just piles upon piles of boxes and I seriously have no motivation right now, its Cam doing all the work.
July 3rd... crunch time to get to Dawson Creek before night fall on the fourth. So what crazy thing do we do? Leave at 3:35am for the looooong drive over there. We arrive at 5:25pm. And you can see the sleeplessness in my eyes, lack of shower, lack of nutrious food... everything in all the photos of that day. We also found out that Nicole + roads that twist & turn + lack of gravol = the need of a puke bucket and serious pill popping. I had no idea I got so sick on road trips like that, I don't remember it as a kid. But... well, now we MUST have gingerale, crackers, gravol, advil, water, food, bucket in order for me to get through it.

July 1st... it didnt even feel like a stat holiday since that was MOVING DAY! which was wonderful to say the least. Cams best man at the wedding, Trevor came to help out, that was awesome. We also had the help of brother Jason, My parents and Cams parents! wow! karen (my mother in law) also prepared lunch so I wouldn't have to worry about it. It was fantastic! now... just piles upon piles of boxes and I seriously have no motivation right now, its Cam doing all the work.
July 3rd... crunch time to get to Dawson Creek before night fall on the fourth. So what crazy thing do we do? Leave at 3:35am for the looooong drive over there. We arrive at 5:25pm. And you can see the sleeplessness in my eyes, lack of shower, lack of nutrious food... everything in all the photos of that day. We also found out that Nicole + roads that twist & turn + lack of gravol = the need of a puke bucket and serious pill popping. I had no idea I got so sick on road trips like that, I don't remember it as a kid. But... well, now we MUST have gingerale, crackers, gravol, advil, water, food, bucket in order for me to get through it.
July 4th... WEDDING! and Carlene was GORGEOUS! sooo happy that we made it and that we got to see Mike, Anita and Cat again. It was sweet, and fantastic.
July 5th... MY 24TH BIRTHDAY! and another horrible day in the car. At least my hubby treated me to presents in the morning and a Tim Hortons breakfast. We left Dawson Creek that morning at 10:30am ish and arrived in Kelowna for 9:30pm. lots of rain so camping was outta the question even though it was our original plan. Here we are, sad to be leaving Dawson Creek.
July 6th.. we decided to stay one day in Kelowna and saw TRANSFORMERS! for my birthday cause well, I loooooove transformers (thats what growing up with boys will do to ya). It was awesome! so impressed by the film. Then a really nice dinner and a swim in the pool followed by lots and lots of relaxing.
July 7th... on the road again! towards HOME! we got home early afternoon and crashed.
July 7th... on the road again! towards HOME! we got home early afternoon and crashed.
Then a couple days Cam and I had off work together, to just re-adjust to life in our new place and unpack some boxes and try to relax before life started again. We will definitely NOT do that again unless, like Carlene, its someone we truly care for. That was soooo exhausting, what we thought was going to be a nice drive and a nice vacation turned into a tired, sickly mess. We both came away with such horrible headaches, fuzzy/dizzy minds and an aching body along with the ever pressing desire to throw up! And now I have a really bad cough and sore throat. So... we hope next year will free us up financially to do something a little bit more relaxing. Even though Winnipeg is definitely a must
CONGRATS TO CAMS BROTHER COLIN WHO JUST GOT ENGAGED!!!! and to Jessica, who has been pretty well apart of the family since I have. So we are SO GLAD to have them be official and to welcome the new Mrs. Stehr!
CONGRATS TO CAMS BROTHER COLIN WHO JUST GOT ENGAGED!!!! and to Jessica, who has been pretty well apart of the family since I have. So we are SO GLAD to have them be official and to welcome the new Mrs. Stehr!
loves and blessings to everyone! :)
the Stehrs
Friday, July 10, 2009
hey peeps! so, its been a while, and well... its been exhausting. No worries pictures will come soon of the new place, once the unpacking is done.
We went to Carlenes wedding which was wonderful and beautiful, up in Dawsons Creek!!!!! We are now back, and to our jobs and trying to juggle everything involved with life right now.
so this is going to be just a quick one to let you know that Im still here... that Im loving life, Im stressed and sickly so please pray for me.
Also, please keep my very good friend Alissa Dueck and her family in your prayers, her father recently passed away and it breaks my heart that this incredible family is in such pain.
Love you Alissa, **hugz**
We went to Carlenes wedding which was wonderful and beautiful, up in Dawsons Creek!!!!! We are now back, and to our jobs and trying to juggle everything involved with life right now.
so this is going to be just a quick one to let you know that Im still here... that Im loving life, Im stressed and sickly so please pray for me.
Also, please keep my very good friend Alissa Dueck and her family in your prayers, her father recently passed away and it breaks my heart that this incredible family is in such pain.
Love you Alissa, **hugz**
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
well... the move is complete. we are IN! and i am beyond THRILLED! its wonderful to be out of the in-laws place and finally into our own space. SOOOO EXCITED to move things around, get organized and decorate. im just overly excited to be in my own space, i love my in-laws but to be in my own place is just fantastic. i am too independant to live with any form of parents anymore. and i am sooooo excited to start cooking again. its honestly my new hobby and passion, i just love to cook! and ive come to realise how picky i am with my meals. but then again, im getting sick again... like REALLY sick again :'( so things are going to have to desperately change once again... o well, im committed to making it work and not letting it ruin my life any longer.
well... Cam is unloading boxes and although im so frustrated at everything right now because its so overwhelming. i feel so guilty leaving him to do all the work. so... here i go, getting off the super ugly couch that must be replaced! hahaah...
loves and hugs.
well... Cam is unloading boxes and although im so frustrated at everything right now because its so overwhelming. i feel so guilty leaving him to do all the work. so... here i go, getting off the super ugly couch that must be replaced! hahaah...
loves and hugs.
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