Sunday, January 30, 2011

School Rocks!

So I really should update this thing more often, not that I really have much news to update on. School so far has been a blast, I truly am a school junkie. Cam always jokes saying that I'll be in school forever, he is probably right! I can still see myself being in my mid thirties working on my BA or Masters, having fun at work, raising my kidlets (or correct term: children) and keeping up with the house work while still finding ways to romance my husband (hahaha). I would love to live a life like that one. I finally see myself heading in that direction.

School is so much like psychology that Im thrilled I chose to go in this direction, the way children behave and why they behave the way they do is fascinating! Im learning so many ways to guide and direct them through teaching them problem solving skills and ways to encourage but not praise them, affirm but not reward them, etc. It really is a skill. And the creative aspects of the field are thrilling, I LOVE to be creative, I feel like it just is a natural thing for me to do, so to find ways to show literature, art, math, and science to young children is just so much fun! Im really nervous for my practicums, but Im sure I'll be okay.

There are SO many babies being born, our landlords had a little boy in January and good friends of ours had their second boy in January too. It was so much fun to go to the hospital and hold little adorable James Karl in my arms. so CONGRATS Trevor and Angela on the birth of James & Jon and Christy on the birth of Mattius. O, and my nieces had their 4th birthdays one in December and one in January, and my little nephew turned 1 in January too! so happy birthday to all you little ones, Love you SO much, xoxox.

now off to do some homework... its not so hard, just really time consuming. O did I mention that I aced my child development test? 100%! yep, thats right :)
