school is just around the corner, its coming more quickly than I had anticipated, although longed for! :) I am so excited that I am going to be on campus soon, that I cant stop smiling about it! Yipppeee.... more friends, late nights, exams, essays, and fun fun fun! although this year I will be working on weekends, and my exhaustion will only grow as the weeks progress, I am thrilled that I am where I am, and that God is as amazing and good as he is!
today I spent most of my day packing, and more of my day shopping for school stuff. Its nutty the amount of things that I have already packed away and are waiting to be loaded in the van for sunday morning. I am working on reading a book which I need to finish reading tomorrow and write a book report on, along with another eight page paper on my service practicum that I did in the summer, there is just not enough things I can say in eight pages worth. I will make it work somehow though, I always seem to.
I am stressed though. With school approaching... and the amount of stuff I need to get done its overwhelming.... my new job as well is going to be crazy, learning all those codes for the fruit and bulk. AHH!!!... HELP! :S How can I possibly fit that into what I need to get done? At least I have until friday to get familiar with them before my shift.... I will get it, I believe I can. :)
and pray that this stress of mine doesnt end up in my digestion.. Im not allowed to be stressed, doctors orders! :P
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006

I GOT A JOB! I am the new offical cashier at the IGA marketplace just down the street from my house. I am sooo super excited. The reality still hasnt hit me yet... but the anticipation is really there. I am making more money, and I have more hours than Jacob Connexions, I am thrilled. Its going to be AWESOME! So, GOD IS GOOD and answered my prayer, out of nowhere he brought an amazing opportunity and now I am so eager and excited to do the absolute best I can do there. And be the best Godly example I can be to all the teenage girls that work there. Its going to be GREAT! so
YIIIPPPEEEE.... my first day is this friday, and my last day at Jacob Connexions is this saturday. SO, dont go looking for me at Jacob Connexions, I will not be found.
prayers are answered, when you believe they can be, when you agree and know that GOd is bigger and greater then the problem you are praying for and what you may do about it on your own.... KNOW that GOD answers PRAYER!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
good afternoon all!!
so have you ever had that feeling when there is something you have on your heart and you are praying to God constantly for some answers, and some relief? Well... tuesday all day I had that feeling, and while I was out at TImberline Ranch with Dara and Nantina, the overpowering need to talk to them about it frustrated me enough to spill my guts, even though what I wanted to talk about I felt completely guitly and ashamed of, now I believe that I was held in bondage by what was going on, and talking things out with them was such a God thing! PRAISE GOD! :)
Some of the things that Dara said really struck my heart... it was like "YES! thats whats going on... thank you GOD! that she is speaking your words to me!" Now I have a new perspective and a new strength, that only God could have brought. I believe the truth that God uses people to speak into our lives, to use them to guide us and shape our being. Because Dara definatly did just that... so Dara, THANK YOU! for letting him use you for me.
Now things are worked out and I am gleaming with happiness, you should see me! :) **Heehee**
yesturday Cam and I went to playland and the PNE, just us... it was SO MUCH FUN! I had such an amazing time with him... it helped me a lot to spend that time as just us, alone, yet surrounded by many, just having fun with one another, having great conversation and learning more about who we are... I am so blessed... Cam is definatly the best thing thats happened to me! Now our plan is to go to science world. I cant wait! I am thrilled... and I'll take some pictures then and post them!!
Its actually our SIX MONTH! Today. This is my most happy month to celebrate cause Ive never been with anyone longer then six months. And for him and I to just get here causes me to smile extra big :D!!
my whole job situation is still on the rocks. I have no idea what to do... and I am praying over and over again for guidence, I know that GOD IS GOOD! and has his amazing plan for me, so I am waiting paitently until he gives me the direction I need. There are so many ups and downs to "should I get a job at home? in abby? at the mall again? starbucks? where!!!" so those of you that pray, please keep this plea in mind for me... Its not really about the money, although thats a big part, its just getting the hours I need and feeling safe and secure in the job I have, cause those factors are fading away at J Connexions.
off to get ready for school! yiiiiipppeeeee!
so have you ever had that feeling when there is something you have on your heart and you are praying to God constantly for some answers, and some relief? Well... tuesday all day I had that feeling, and while I was out at TImberline Ranch with Dara and Nantina, the overpowering need to talk to them about it frustrated me enough to spill my guts, even though what I wanted to talk about I felt completely guitly and ashamed of, now I believe that I was held in bondage by what was going on, and talking things out with them was such a God thing! PRAISE GOD! :)
Some of the things that Dara said really struck my heart... it was like "YES! thats whats going on... thank you GOD! that she is speaking your words to me!" Now I have a new perspective and a new strength, that only God could have brought. I believe the truth that God uses people to speak into our lives, to use them to guide us and shape our being. Because Dara definatly did just that... so Dara, THANK YOU! for letting him use you for me.
Now things are worked out and I am gleaming with happiness, you should see me! :) **Heehee**

Its actually our SIX MONTH! Today. This is my most happy month to celebrate cause Ive never been with anyone longer then six months. And for him and I to just get here causes me to smile extra big :D!!
my whole job situation is still on the rocks. I have no idea what to do... and I am praying over and over again for guidence, I know that GOD IS GOOD! and has his amazing plan for me, so I am waiting paitently until he gives me the direction I need. There are so many ups and downs to "should I get a job at home? in abby? at the mall again? starbucks? where!!!" so those of you that pray, please keep this plea in mind for me... Its not really about the money, although thats a big part, its just getting the hours I need and feeling safe and secure in the job I have, cause those factors are fading away at J Connexions.
off to get ready for school! yiiiiipppeeeee!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
"trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go, he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own, give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. But don't, dear friends, resent God's discipline, don't sulk under his loving correction. Its the child he loves that God corrects, a father's delight is behind all this." Proverbs 3:5-12 (the message translation)
when i was in the bathroom in hawaii my little brother brandon (hes actually not so little anymore, being 16 and 6"3) placed my beloved stuffed bear and note up for me to see when i got out. i honestly almost cried cause i wasnt feeling so great that day, missing someone special from home and having my routine stomach pains. it touched the deepest part of my heart, which prompted me to take a picture.
you know, lately ive felt so far away from God that it hurts... a pain other then my stomach, yet one which cuts the deeper part of who iam. i realize over and over again how horribly lost i am without Christ. i see so much sin in my life that it overwhelms me and convicts me. the verse that you read at the beginning of this blog is what i read everyday, day in and day out, something which i should take the effort to memorize. its opening up my eyes to see the most important thing... my relationship with God... its telling me that I dont know everything! I am nothing compared to the majesty of God, to the increasing amazing power of Christ in my life. I especially love the part "your body will glow with health". I do not blame anyone for the things in my life, i blame myself at most times, yet the peircing thing that keeps me stuck is fear I guess. the fear that i am not pleasing God the way I should be, that im not "doing all i can" to bring him what he expects from me. this is such horrid thinking. GOD LOVES ME! no matter what i do, no matter who i am, there is nothing that can keep him away from me... so why!? why am i allowing lies to keep me stuck in the fear of where i am. pastor mike said something that really grabbed me... that God will always complete what he starts in his people, that he IS NOT going to give up on me, even if i give up on myself, even if what i think isnt enough for him, he will continue to try to convince me that it is, cause hes not looking for me to measure up. hes just looking for me to seek him, love him... Love, its the only word that describes who God is and what he expects from us. L-O-V-E, so love, here I come! :)

you know, lately ive felt so far away from God that it hurts... a pain other then my stomach, yet one which cuts the deeper part of who iam. i realize over and over again how horribly lost i am without Christ. i see so much sin in my life that it overwhelms me and convicts me. the verse that you read at the beginning of this blog is what i read everyday, day in and day out, something which i should take the effort to memorize. its opening up my eyes to see the most important thing... my relationship with God... its telling me that I dont know everything! I am nothing compared to the majesty of God, to the increasing amazing power of Christ in my life. I especially love the part "your body will glow with health". I do not blame anyone for the things in my life, i blame myself at most times, yet the peircing thing that keeps me stuck is fear I guess. the fear that i am not pleasing God the way I should be, that im not "doing all i can" to bring him what he expects from me. this is such horrid thinking. GOD LOVES ME! no matter what i do, no matter who i am, there is nothing that can keep him away from me... so why!? why am i allowing lies to keep me stuck in the fear of where i am. pastor mike said something that really grabbed me... that God will always complete what he starts in his people, that he IS NOT going to give up on me, even if i give up on myself, even if what i think isnt enough for him, he will continue to try to convince me that it is, cause hes not looking for me to measure up. hes just looking for me to seek him, love him... Love, its the only word that describes who God is and what he expects from us. L-O-V-E, so love, here I come! :)
Saturday, August 19, 2006

well.... Im back now, Hawaii is officially done and over, its sooo sad **sniff sniff** i had such an incredible time. the beauty of hawaii amazes me every time i go, i definatly suggest to everyone to go and experience what im talking about. the water is an amazing color and the plants just make you stare. although im exhuasted i am burnt on the back of my legs, back and chest, so sleeping tonight will be a task as was last night. it hurts a lot right now so i guess im just going to update this first before i attempt my sleep.
as dissapointed as i am that i needed to leave the beauty and fun that is hawaii, i am glad and super excited that i am home again. i missed home... i love traveling, i love going to other places and experiencing other cultures, but i always still miss home, especially this time since i have someone to miss ;)
since this wasnt my first time in hawaii i we didnt do the whole "tourist scene" we did of course do some tourist things such as rent a car which we took to Hanama Bay and Diamond Head volcano, which both were fabulous experiences... we were already there before the last time we went so there wasnt anything new to expect. it actually surprised me how much at home i felt there in hawaii, it was my third time there and i pretty much new where everything was... and we had traveled around the entire island three times in two days so ive seen the whole island literally front to back. so going there was more of visiting a friend rather then going to an exotic place.... o well, the adventure was great and there are definatly some really awesome laughs and things that happened... you just need to ask to see the pictures and you'll see what i mean.
well... the burn still hurts but i guess i will try to get to sleep at a reasonable time. the plane landed at 9:08pm, and there is a three hour difference, so even though its 12:18am right now on saturday morning, to me its still 9:18pm friday night. But I guess i should force myself into a regular scheduale as much as i can.
o yah! for those that were worried, the airport was frantic but everything went really smoothly. The way there nothing had happened yet so it was no problem, it was two days after we arrived when all the chaos with the airport and the liquid stuff happened, we watched CNN every night before bed to keep track of what we needed to do and they posted updates at the hotel in the elevators so we always knew what was going on.... its on the "orange" level now. So you have to be at the airports three hours before your flight, and you cant have ANY liquids or anything on the plane in your carry-on, however you can still pack it in your bigger case, so everything worked out well and we had no problems at all. So thanks for your concern everyone! God was amazing with everyhing as usual, we had no problems with anything at all the whole time we were there, God was certainly taking care of us! GOD BLESS AND GOODNIGHT! :)
as dissapointed as i am that i needed to leave the beauty and fun that is hawaii, i am glad and super excited that i am home again. i missed home... i love traveling, i love going to other places and experiencing other cultures, but i always still miss home, especially this time since i have someone to miss ;)

well... the burn still hurts but i guess i will try to get to sleep at a reasonable time. the plane landed at 9:08pm, and there is a three hour difference, so even though its 12:18am right now on saturday morning, to me its still 9:18pm friday night. But I guess i should force myself into a regular scheduale as much as i can.
o yah! for those that were worried, the airport was frantic but everything went really smoothly. The way there nothing had happened yet so it was no problem, it was two days after we arrived when all the chaos with the airport and the liquid stuff happened, we watched CNN every night before bed to keep track of what we needed to do and they posted updates at the hotel in the elevators so we always knew what was going on.... its on the "orange" level now. So you have to be at the airports three hours before your flight, and you cant have ANY liquids or anything on the plane in your carry-on, however you can still pack it in your bigger case, so everything worked out well and we had no problems at all. So thanks for your concern everyone! God was amazing with everyhing as usual, we had no problems with anything at all the whole time we were there, God was certainly taking care of us! GOD BLESS AND GOODNIGHT! :)
Monday, August 07, 2006
well.... im off!
I will be on a plane heading to Hawaii in 13 hours. im really really looking forward to it, its going to be great! :)
when i get back i will update you all on how it went and post some pictures.
so i have been praying about my job and my new manager. although i was really upset about how she talked to me that other time i decided that i need to stay. i keep feeling that God is bringing me peace to stay, so i will. i wont take anything that aimee says personally, and i will be the best worker i can be!
so yah... i dunno, im really happy when im not being yelled at, i wanna keep my discount and my hours are going to be cut dramatically when i go back to school so it wont be that bad. then i will apply for something more right before im out for the summer again. thats my plan and i like it.
but for now.... HAWAII HERE I COME!
ps. everyone pray that i come home safely and that the plane doesnt go down...i wanna come home again! :)
I will be on a plane heading to Hawaii in 13 hours. im really really looking forward to it, its going to be great! :)
when i get back i will update you all on how it went and post some pictures.
so i have been praying about my job and my new manager. although i was really upset about how she talked to me that other time i decided that i need to stay. i keep feeling that God is bringing me peace to stay, so i will. i wont take anything that aimee says personally, and i will be the best worker i can be!
so yah... i dunno, im really happy when im not being yelled at, i wanna keep my discount and my hours are going to be cut dramatically when i go back to school so it wont be that bad. then i will apply for something more right before im out for the summer again. thats my plan and i like it.
but for now.... HAWAII HERE I COME!
ps. everyone pray that i come home safely and that the plane doesnt go down...i wanna come home again! :)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
HAWAII! Im leaving on Tuesday at 4:30 in the morning for the airport! and we'll be arriving at 11:00ish in the morning when we actually land in Hawaii. I cant even believe that im going again, this will be my third time. the beauty of the place just brings me to awe at the glory of God. that He created the incredible scenery, wow! words dont describe.
so i have about four hours when i get home from work tomorrow to pack and get things ready... AHHHH!!!... im not even close to being ready for it... im reminded of one of my horrible dreams when i need to pack in a hurry to get somewhere but i cant pack for some reason, those always end badly. i hope it doesnt end in that, i dont think it will... i have an idea of what i wanna bring, its just a matter of putting it all in a case.
so i got to see cam yesturday.
i miss him....more then i realise after he is gone back to camp. when i lay in bed, just about to fall asleep and think about him and how crazy blessed i am. then i miss him so much it hurts... i miss talking with him and getting to know him. we've been dating five months and ive only known him for eight. so there is still tonz to find out... im so curious, im so eager, im so in love with him! **blushes**
i have found that when i think about my digestion and lack of proper function, i come to understand how much i have allowed my IBS and my troubles with it to define who i am. this... is stupid! i am not "the IBS girl" i am "a child of God" and that alone shall define who i am and my purpose. i deal with a digestive problem, i get sick constantly... its a reality of my life, but it is not who i am. this i need to remember and take account. i am allowing it to control me... i dont need to let it anymore, cause it does not take the place of my God. i know in all the places of my heart that God is bigger then even my silly digestive system, and has the power to heal me! :)
Be Blessed! Amen.
so i have about four hours when i get home from work tomorrow to pack and get things ready... AHHHH!!!... im not even close to being ready for it... im reminded of one of my horrible dreams when i need to pack in a hurry to get somewhere but i cant pack for some reason, those always end badly. i hope it doesnt end in that, i dont think it will... i have an idea of what i wanna bring, its just a matter of putting it all in a case.
so i got to see cam yesturday.
i miss him....more then i realise after he is gone back to camp. when i lay in bed, just about to fall asleep and think about him and how crazy blessed i am. then i miss him so much it hurts... i miss talking with him and getting to know him. we've been dating five months and ive only known him for eight. so there is still tonz to find out... im so curious, im so eager, im so in love with him! **blushes**
i have found that when i think about my digestion and lack of proper function, i come to understand how much i have allowed my IBS and my troubles with it to define who i am. this... is stupid! i am not "the IBS girl" i am "a child of God" and that alone shall define who i am and my purpose. i deal with a digestive problem, i get sick constantly... its a reality of my life, but it is not who i am. this i need to remember and take account. i am allowing it to control me... i dont need to let it anymore, cause it does not take the place of my God. i know in all the places of my heart that God is bigger then even my silly digestive system, and has the power to heal me! :)
Be Blessed! Amen.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
i am so stressed right now that i cant even stand it... i hate my new manager, i really really hate what shes doing to the place, to the store, to everyone i work with. i cant even express how pissed i am right now at her. ba!
i used to love my job, if you ever talked to be before this week about my job i used to always say how much i loved it and how much fun it was... now... you wont hear that. im looking for something new, or im going to complain enough to get me transfered to the langely powercenter or guildford, cause honestly right now, i am dreading my shift tomorrow... my stomach is hurting, thats how stressed i am about this now.
AHHHH!!! why did this have to happen? why!? ba!.... yes, thats what i say when i cant express things. BA, BA BA!
i need to spend more time with God, i feel like i cant even look at myself in the mirror, thats how much i regret the way my relaitonship with God is at the moment, i feel as though its not there at all. i feel as though i am alone, and done so much on my own that he doesnt even want me anymore (this i know isnt true) i want so badly to be back in the arms of God, and i really think that after i type what it is i will type here, that i will end up crying.... the tears are already streaming. and i hope, i really hope that in the midst of my tears God will meet me here and hold me. i really want to be held by someone that loves me... i really want the words from God to say that everything is going to be okay, hes taking care of it.
i believe that he can... the question is why would he want to? after all the time ive spent ignoring him, not allowing myself to believe that he is listening or wants to hold me.... so, excuse me as i lay everything at his feet and beg for forgiveness.... because
Jesus Loves Me! The Bible Tells Me So.... and i truly will believe that deep down for the rest of my life.
Good night!
i used to love my job, if you ever talked to be before this week about my job i used to always say how much i loved it and how much fun it was... now... you wont hear that. im looking for something new, or im going to complain enough to get me transfered to the langely powercenter or guildford, cause honestly right now, i am dreading my shift tomorrow... my stomach is hurting, thats how stressed i am about this now.
AHHHH!!! why did this have to happen? why!? ba!.... yes, thats what i say when i cant express things. BA, BA BA!
i need to spend more time with God, i feel like i cant even look at myself in the mirror, thats how much i regret the way my relaitonship with God is at the moment, i feel as though its not there at all. i feel as though i am alone, and done so much on my own that he doesnt even want me anymore (this i know isnt true) i want so badly to be back in the arms of God, and i really think that after i type what it is i will type here, that i will end up crying.... the tears are already streaming. and i hope, i really hope that in the midst of my tears God will meet me here and hold me. i really want to be held by someone that loves me... i really want the words from God to say that everything is going to be okay, hes taking care of it.
i believe that he can... the question is why would he want to? after all the time ive spent ignoring him, not allowing myself to believe that he is listening or wants to hold me.... so, excuse me as i lay everything at his feet and beg for forgiveness.... because
Jesus Loves Me! The Bible Tells Me So.... and i truly will believe that deep down for the rest of my life.
Good night!
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