So... the most tragic thing happened. On Wednesday I was in prayer counselling, and it was going soooooooo good! Everything was great! and I thought "hey! I should clean my glasses, just cause their dirty and I have a midterm soon" yep. BAD IDEA! They snapped in half in my hands!!!! SO I had to tape them together for temorary relief from blindness... twenty minutes after and I was writing a midterm in Timothy and Titus class, sooo many people made fun of me :'( **sniff sniff** but its alright... I had fun with it!
The Good news is... I GOT A NEW PAIR OF GLASSES! Which I am super happy about. Cam loves them, my parents appreciate them, and I paied for them.. therefore I Love them. I got a great deal too, which was a blessing. So.. thats my story! Im also getting contacts again tomorrow, so I will be back to contacts and everyonce in a while be wearing these super sexy new glasses!
Awww, all such good news. What a sweetheart Cam is :)
Congrats on the new glasses, too.
thaaats awesome. you look like urkel :) so great! one time I lost one of the nosepads of my glasses (my old ones) so I tried an eraser as a nosepad. pretty dorky too! the new glasses look great!
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