so i decided that i wouldnt talk or post about my "health issues" any longer because it bores people and because i really need to rely on God about it and not other people to give me attention. in a way i believe that i was subconsiously enjoying the attention i was getting from people by telling them my "sick problems" and getting the "ooo... I feel so bad for you" response. im sorry to all!
yet, this is truly scaring me and although i am posting i ask that nobody do the whole "ooo... Im so sorry for you!" thing, but instead pray for me.
i went to the doctor about two weeks ago, because i had an anxiety attack and intense pressure, burning and such things in my chest. turns out i have a stomach ulcer, or at least the "start" of an ulcer which my doctor gave me meds for. good right? take meds and ulcer goes away!? well, wrong apparently! ulcers don't go away, at least ive been told.
but i believe that with the healing power of God, YES! they do!
so please pray for me, that this forming hole in my stomach shrinks and goes away, not only cause its a hole and that sucks, but because there is potential for it to become bigger and cancerous, there is also potential for me to get more anxiety attacks and so forth. so really it going away is the best thing possible.
Im also done my 15 days of medication and nothing has changed, still pain and pressure, still anxiety and apparently I need to learn to relax, no stress... any relaxing techniques that people have to offer me?
thanks to everyone who will pray on my behalf!
i appreciate it more than i can express,
be blessed :)
i have heard on more than one occasion that daily exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels...
maybe you need to book daily Nicole time into your schedule... time for a cup of tea and a good book for 1/2 hour a day or something... that can be relaxing...
start your day off with 10 deep cleansing breaths...
eat breakfast...
have a great day!
Let's see. I think you're doctor lied to you - stomach ulcers do go away. Think of them more as canker sores (like what people get in your mouth...do you get those?) My doc told me that if you get cankers you're at risk for stomach ulcers. I get both. Stress does it to me and I don't take meds for them. Mostly just ignore them.
When I feel them what do I do? Go skating (that's my stress relaxer), go to sleep for a whole day, play on Facebook, don't think about my responsibilities, call in sick for work, cuddle, go out for coffee (well not coffee but tea usually), call me (well in my case I call a friend, you should call me).
I think that's it. Be tough. It'll go away - stop thinking about it. That makes it worse!!!! :)
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