Friday, September 28, 2007

WEEK ONE: well, this new diet is amazing! I feel wonderful. Really!! one of the pills that I was given wasn't working. It was a guess whether or not it was actually a problem of stomach acid or anxiety. Unfortunately there is no such test to provide information as to what it specifically is. So... we guessed. And... I got serious chest pain for two days. But other than that... Im off of it and everything seems to be working fine! Im really excited to go back and get the details of my blood test, to find out what exactly is up with me and have the definite yes or no to which foods I can or can not consume. Thanks to something the doc gave me as well, I have next to no cravings for anything, so this whole not eating what everyone else is... is working out really well. Its a lot, and seriously A LOT easier this time! And I am soooo much more committed! yippeee... health is on its way!

school is good... handed in a paper, don't think it was my best work, but it was my first of the year. Now, need to read a book for marriage and family class, this ought to be insightful! :P


Friday, September 21, 2007

ALAS!!! I have found a doctor who knows how to fix me! a serious YIPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I have been so desperate to find some way, some thing, someone to help me and I have found her! I LOVE her, she is wonderful, kind, understanding, a genius and a person who knows exactly what it is that is wrong. Like seriously.... EXACTLY! :D AH! you should see my face right now, at this moment, it is beyond extatic. I have not been this excited in a LONG time... I will be healthy soon! I mean it won't be easy, I got a blood test taken and when it comes back it will reveal all that I am sensitive to. Which will be things that I will NOT be allowed to eat, no "if", "ands" or "buts" nope! none of that anymore. But it will be wonderful, 6 months for sure on this restricted diet, and then maybe I can introduce some more stuff back. However, some things I may always be sensitive to and I will just have to re-adjust my ways, I think it is going to take a little longer than just 6 months for complete health and transformation, but I am committed and I am NOT going to give up on this. YAY!

Yes... this day especially... I am SOOOOOO blessed! :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." Isaiah 33:2

I realise that this passage is from the Old Testament, Isaiah speaking to those who are going to be, or are already exiled by the high powers of that day. Judah and Jerusalem are in for the most difficult time of their history, so God uses His servant Isaiah to speak wisdom, and His words. Both pieces of who were once the 12 tribes are going into a time of judgment for they did not obey, nor follow Gods instructions. The Hebrew people time and time again disobey in their quest to be the children of God. Generation after generation, not learning from the previous and continuously seeking out sin instead of Gods ultimate plan. So punishment came in the form of Persia and Babylon, two high powers that at two separate times in history exiled the Hebrew people.

I don't know about you, but I am fascinated with the Old Testament story. Not only because it is the groundwork of the New Testament, but because its a story that helps one to realize that God isn't looking for the perfect ones. He isn't searching for you to be a certain expectation, the only thing is he looking for is a heart that longs to love and serve him.

This... is the biggest revelation that I have come across these past couple of weeks. The importance of Christ in my life. The importance to giving ALL over to him. I have been struggling with something that has literally rocked my world. Some might assume my recent health decision, my recent excitement and health discovery, and although that is going to rock my life a bit, I know that I am strong enough to step out and do that for myself.
No... this is almost bigger to me than that... but I know that the only way to get through is to place God before it, and realize that my life, no matter what happens is going to be amazing, there doesn't need to be anymore fear, or tears. Just full concentration on the cross, and a big step to claim that I am worthy of what I want, and I am worthy of something really wonderful.

be Blessed!

Monday, September 17, 2007

so... here we go again: those are the only words that really come to mind while starting to understand this "next step" of my lovely IBS adventure. Im still uncertain whether or not its exactly IBS, but I know that my body is becoming more and more sensitive to everything, honestly... everything!!! my conclusion: I am getting worse, and after talking to someone today in a similar position as I, only years ahead of me (shes one of my teachers) I am indeed getting worse and my immune system is slowing down. However, hope! I am going to see a naturopath on Friday and as I have come to realise, I need to do EXACTLY what it will be that she tells me, to the TEE. For when that is done, I can experience healing, absolute and wonderful healing!!!! its just going to be a season, a season of strength to eat what I have to eat, drink whatever drinks I have to drink, do whatever it is I have to do to allow my body the environment to go back to the way it was intended to be at birth.

So.... for Friday, wish me luck!

Unlike some who would simply state that this is a minor problem with minor detail and would not even warrant it a second guess. For me, is a huge life adjustment, a huge life decision, a huge life slap in the face. My body is not working properly, this SUCKS BULLETS! but it is not the end of the world, I have my life, I have the ability to walk, to think, to feed myself, I have the freedom to be who I am... I don't have cancer, I am not dying, I am blessed! very very BLESSED with or without IBS.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

so school is going really well.... actually my apartment, my room mate, everything is just wonderful in my house. I LOVE it!!! we have couches from MCC, artwork all over the place and just personality from all three of us, its perfect, utterly perfect! :)
The boys are next door, like I said previous... which poses its problems, but its a lot of fun... they watch the Office, we watch the OC, they play video games ALL THE TIME! :P and we talk and hang out like girls do, and like the "typical male" they never come over to us, we have to always go over to them... TYPICAL! Even when we have goodies.

More classes tomorrow, and Ive done my reading for the day, Psychology and Hermeneutics... o what fun! but seriously, I have a good feeling that I will enjoy all of my classes and have fun trying to achieve the highest grade my poor mind can handle!

I will be coming back to Surrey weekend of the 22nd... wanna have coffee with me? give me a call or leave me a message!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

hahaha... yes, as my time ticker has said, Im BACK AT CBC! and it is wonderful! No classes as of yet, they start on Wednesday, but campus life is SO MUCH FUN! this year is going to be so amazing. Amber Hodgkiss is my roommate, along with Traci. And the best and most exciting part of this year is....


hahahahaah.... yep, Cam is living exactly beside me. No joke, just walk out my door and through his apartment door and there he is! If we can live THIS close together for the next eight months with no sweat... then Im even more confident that we're meant to get hitched! OOOOOOOO yah! :)

well.... I'll keep you updated. I start cash in the cafeteria tomorrow, Im kinda nervous.