Monday, September 17, 2007

so... here we go again: those are the only words that really come to mind while starting to understand this "next step" of my lovely IBS adventure. Im still uncertain whether or not its exactly IBS, but I know that my body is becoming more and more sensitive to everything, honestly... everything!!! my conclusion: I am getting worse, and after talking to someone today in a similar position as I, only years ahead of me (shes one of my teachers) I am indeed getting worse and my immune system is slowing down. However, hope! I am going to see a naturopath on Friday and as I have come to realise, I need to do EXACTLY what it will be that she tells me, to the TEE. For when that is done, I can experience healing, absolute and wonderful healing!!!! its just going to be a season, a season of strength to eat what I have to eat, drink whatever drinks I have to drink, do whatever it is I have to do to allow my body the environment to go back to the way it was intended to be at birth.

So.... for Friday, wish me luck!

Unlike some who would simply state that this is a minor problem with minor detail and would not even warrant it a second guess. For me, is a huge life adjustment, a huge life decision, a huge life slap in the face. My body is not working properly, this SUCKS BULLETS! but it is not the end of the world, I have my life, I have the ability to walk, to think, to feed myself, I have the freedom to be who I am... I don't have cancer, I am not dying, I am blessed! very very BLESSED with or without IBS.

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