Thursday, October 04, 2007

so... today I cheated and ate an entire banana loaf that my grandmother gave me. **tear** Im really sad that I did it... but I literally felt like I could not handle it anymore, the cravings were out of control and I had already felt sick because of some potatoes I ate today, as well as breakfast which did NOT agree, so I was sick all day (and by the way both of those times were food that I am supposed to be able to have and I still got sick)

:'( baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... I think I just need to have a good cry, pull myself together again and remind myself of why I can't just eat like everyone else.

I knew that I had to post this slip, or else it would eat me up alive **sniff sniff**

Love me please, and please pray for me.

Be Blessed.


Lauren Laidler said...

hang in there girl! you can do it! praying for you! lots of love and hugs!!! xxxx

kortney said...

Keep on going - you can do it!!!
I know you're in a different situation then I am but I've found a trick to changing my diet. I can't do it cold turkey...I've had to cut out a lot of things for endo but I can't. And I'll bet they're similar to what you cut out. Red meat, eggs, wheat, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. So pretty hard to do all at once. SO for one month I've done red meat and alcohol. I give myself one month to wean myself off and so far I've been successful - I have only cheated once with the red meat and that was because I forgot ;) But it's not so hard then. Next step is caffeine which will be a harder step, but my first step is coffee gone, then I'll switch the herbal tea, after I get rid of tea.

Is that an idea? I know you're supposed to stop it all but sometimes that's just too hard!!!

Anonymous said...

oh dear... you poor girl! You must have felt so sick! Hang in there! You can do it!