Today there were schools that came in to talk to students (especially third and fourth year students, which I am) about their Masters programs. I'm not sure if its a secret that one of my greatest wants out of life is to complete a masters degree in psychology and counseling. I can't think of anything other than marrying, being a mother and accomplishing a Masters... for my life. Seriously. I mean of course God is the number one in my life, there is nothing close to comparing to that. All I am stating is that the desire to hold in my hand a degree and educate myself is one of the passions I never dreamed to have. Especially not for psychology. The photo above is my Introductory to Psychology 1&2 text book. It is this class, and this book where my joy lies as I pull it out and read for tests and papers. Now experiencing more psych classes this semester, what I have learned from that book I am practicing and understanding even more in specific and narrow ways.
What I'm getting at is... I can't see myself doing anything else. Like I can't picture myself being NOTHING else then a counselor and masters degree student. Nothing else other than a mother. There is no way that I will put off having children, I want them more than the passion I have for a degree. But I can't see myself waking up to any other joy (in the working department) than counseling, or being a health psychologist.
But honestly.. I am scared SHITLESS! and yes, I am sorry I swore, but I swear its the truth. And today made me aware of these two facts. Super, totally, 100% SCARED! but super, totally, 100% sure.
And even more sure that I'll need ALL of Gods strength to be the best counselor I can be! Because I sure as heck ain't going to be able to do it on my own.
And that is another BIG reality that I have come to today! Today has been a good day!
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