Monday, March 10, 2008

today was the funeral for the picture of that little boy in my previous post. what an emotional ceremony, but of course, its always sad when a child only lives 28 days. the slide shows they presented, the prayers and the speeches would bring anyone to tears, me especially.

this past weekend has been especially hard for me. with the advice from my doctor I took a shot to try and stop the Endometriosis from growing, only the shot has stopped working and Im unsure of what to do. I think that the emotional part of ones body kind of takes over subconsciously sometimes. I know that whats going on in my body is not life threatening, its not cancer, its nothing to be too alarmed about. But I feel it and live with it everyday still... and sometimes I just wish I would only have the job of waking up in the morning and being the engaged, happy, 22 year old that I only want to be.
Instead my femininity has caused such pain, something that seems to be completely unfair. Your body is supposed to work one specific way, so why does it seem to have the ability to make a decision and be stubborn? Gosh!

God only knows.

Please pray for the Neufelds today... they deserve your support


1 comment:

alissa said...

what a sad story... i read their blog and it made me cry. they were so blessed to have the time they had...