Saturday, August 16, 2008

First off I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for your prayers and love and support, its been been amazing to be so blessed!

So.... I went into the womens health center yesterday (in the Womens hospital in Vancouver) and after they weighed me and took my height, blood pressure and pulse. I waited in the waiting room.
My mom and I were then called into another room where I told my entire five year story of pain!!!
I was then examined which was NOT comfortable, but Williams and her intern could only find what they called a "trigger spot" when they pushed on a part of my stomach and made me try and sit up, that HURT a lot!

So... whats the verdict??!!

Dr. Williams before she even examined me said that she wanted to do surgery. and then after she examined me she said again that she wants to do surgery to confirm that Endometriosis is what I have. She said that there is a 95% chance that I have it. That after going through my history she feels strongly that its Endo and the every day pain that Im describing is certainly not IBS.
She also said that after surgery, I will be feeling MUCH better! SO EXCITED for that. It will be incredible to wake up on my wedding day, slip into my sexy dress and have fun the whole day without any pain at all! I will be EXTATIC! for that.

So... I have to wait 2-5 months for surgery. She also said that I have to loose weight for the surgery which will be simply diagnostic to confirm if I do in fact have Endometriosis.

I am very nervous to go under but SUPER HAPPY that something is finally being done about it! Please continue to pray for me as this journey is definitely not over, and that I will get a surgery date as soon as possible with a quick recovery. After surgery Dr. Williams will go from there to talk treatment and so then is when the drugs (if any) would start. Right now, I just wait... again. You know, if God wants to teach me patience, he sure has through this entire experience!

Blessings! :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yay! Very happy for you! It is so awesome to see prayers answered :) My next one will be praying for you to be pain-free!!