wow you guys! If you look at my tickers, things are starting to sneak up on me! and well, the stress of all of it is taking a toll and translating into massive migraine headaches. NO FUN! but its good, Im taking care of it with some R&R and some good quality God time.
Pretty much I suck it up and keep on trucking along.
Im going to CBC again this weekend, I am so very excited to see Cam again, its been waaay too long. And I get to see Traci, and Julie and Dave. Some of my most beloved friends!
I tried on my wedding dress on Tuesday, and it was PERFECT it IS perfect just absolutely wonderful. I am so excited to wear that dress on my big day. With my veil, my shoes and all. YAY! the day is coming and I am getting more and more gitty over it.
Time for bed, tomorrow will be a loonnnnng day!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We had our girl talk, discussed some of the ups and downs of our lives... I miss these girls SO MUCH they are so important to me, that it breaks my heart to not be there living in Abby with them. Traci was my roommate last year, and with my FINALLY being back to normal thanks to the Deprovera leaving my body (it takes 6-12 months for the side effects to leave)... I can finally have such an incredible friendship with her without my hormones getting in the way.
It was also amazing to see Cam finally again after tweleve days of being apart. I know, "its just 12 days, whatever Nicole" but we did not even have communication over the phone or internet cause the White House (where he is living on campus) didn't have anything installed yet. So... I have my reasons to whine.
Just another week and a half to wait until Im back in town! I can not wait! I am super thrilled that in December that will be home for me... and then Julie and I will be doing our weekly cooking, and I will be able to have coffee on a consitent basis with Traci, O... and she can help me scrapt book. After doing those invites, I am hooked!

photos of my (and some very good
friends of mine, including, most
honorning maid of honor! Nantina)
blood, sweat,and tears! But my
goodness do they every look good!
I am soooooooo happy with them.
And now I am itching to get my hands
onto the next
couple of scrapt book projects that you are going to see in the wedding! creating my own "stationary" was super important to me to bring some of my creative flare to my big day. And I am thrilled to the outcome of it all so far!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008

okay... so... now tell me, isn't she the CUTEST little girl EVER! yes, yes she is... you know why? Because she is my little niece and I love her waaaay to much for words, the other little one, the little red head... isn't she just gorgeous!? Thats right because she is my OTHER adorably incredible little niece that I love more than words are able to express!
Both of these little girls are going to steal the show at my wedding! hahahaha... no matter, its okay, but they are most definitely my flower girls and they are going to look incredible in their lavender flower girl dresses that Mommy Stehr is making for them... Im psyched. Actually Michele said (mommy to little Jackie) that she might dance if we play one of the Newsboys songs for when they walk down the aisle. I am certainly contemplating trying it out! Can't you just imagine it?! Actually there is video on Mikki's blog, right hand side click on Jaclyn.
I can't wait to hug them! and if Cam and I are lucky enough to produce babies that cute... wow! Im excited! hahaha...
okay... Im tired, and in need of some serious sleep, Ive been up waaaaaay too long!
Blessings to all!
O... and thanks to everyone who has complimented me on my wedding invitation, those who have received theirs! Im so glad that they are loved by all :)
Friday, September 05, 2008

here is another one of our engagement photos, I thought that I'd share them one at a time... and since Im sitting here very much missing Cam, this was my attempt to try and stop the obsessing thoughts that life is going to drastically change all in two months for me starting October.
how you might ask?
well... my surgery is the 15th, where I need to take almost a week off work to recover and be prepared. This will hopefully mean that my battle with Endometriosis will be either over completely or on the road to be over. So in a way, how do you live one day with frequent pain? Bloat? Irritability... and whatever else comes with this disease and then in a day, in a surgery... it goes away! Its been this bad for five years, and then in 6 or so weeks its going to be Poof... GONE!
next, Cindy from work is going to be leaving to have her baby, so the store and all the file responsibilities will be on Richelle and I completely. For one full year, although I feel ready for it... its still daunting.
thirdly, Im taking the most desperately needed steps to better my health. I know I say this a lot but this is serious. I don't want to mention what Im doing until my success is seen, but its going to be dramatically different... YAY!
and then... I marry the man of my dreams! I will move out of my home with my family and into an apartment with Cam in Abbotsford. I will change my last name to Stehr, and have to start grocery shopping and making dinner on a regular basis! :D
Don't get me wrong Im psyched, but its going to be very different...
another change? Im graduating CBC with a diploma, I want to go back and finish my BA and also go for a degree in nutrition. but still... I will have a college diploma people, something I never dreamed I would reach.
Lots of change to look forward to... everything good... I feel like my entire life, even my physical body is going to dramatically change. FINALLY! hahahaha...
O... THANK YOU! to everyone to came to or was involved in my passion party shower last night. I didn't take photos because honestly, the table was scandalous with all the "toys", hahahaha, it wasn't embarrassing like I thought it would be, after two glasses of wine I was laughing at everything and having a hoot! I certainly was educated.
And thank you to everyone who came and bought me presents, SO MUCH FUN! hahaha, Im sure Cam will thank you in 3 months and 2 weeks.
Okay... getting to be a little too much... better head off to bed for a snooze before work.
BLESSINGS! people... **hugz**
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
so today I just came back from my amazing and wonderful three night stay at CBC. it was so weird this time to walk on campus and be a commuter. I wasn't exactly a student, yet, I wasn't exactly a "visitor" either. Its my home, CBC is just as much my home as this house I am sitting in now. Its where I fell in love with the love of my life, where I started to intently learn about the God I love and serve, and where some of my most momentous growing experiences and challenges have taken place. Its the place where my professor of New Testament Theology comes up to me and gives me a hug in the halls, asks me how my wedding plans are coming along and says with the most sincere voice that he has been praying for me all summer long and is thrilled that I am finally getting the surgery I need to correct my Endometriosis. Now tell me, where else do you experience that kind of love?
Its the place where I walk up to the registration table and am greeted with a charging David Iwai who picks me up and gives me the most aggressive bear hug Ive ever had in my life! Where Traci tramples over me practically and cries, and where I walk up to the Student lounge and see the biggest smile EVER on Julie's face! With big hugs from her and Tanya! I cried when I drove away from the campus today because not only am I leaving Cam there now until our wedding day... but I am leaving my family behind. I am leaving my life there to accomplish what I need to here, in order to return there. Its crazy to think about, and Im sure my tears will flow once again before these next three and a half months are over... but boy, did I ever feel the love these past few days!
The life of a CBC student is one that I will miss once I graduate and move on, but its seriously the life and the place that I love. I LOVE being a student, I LOVE education, I LOVE psychology and religious studies. I would be a forever student and accomplish a Ph.D if I could afford the time and money.
But tomorrow, I return to IGA... and count down the days until I go back for another visit to CBC on the 13th. And today in the car home I realized that I wouldn't be able to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished if I was at CBC this semester. Its a GOOD THING that I am here in Surrey, that I am at IGA. Its the right step in the correct direction and I keep getting told that the time will fly by. Honestly, I hope so!
Now... I have showers to look forward to! Can you believe it? Nantina my maid of honor is throwing me a shower tomorrow night. Im sure I will post some pictures when I can, I am thrilled and well... will most likely be overwhelmed. But Im SO EXCITED! :)
Finally.... the invitations are in the mail, and I am going to get all the little details done and sorted out soon, and I will feel like a bride! WOW! me... a bride :)
Its the place where I walk up to the registration table and am greeted with a charging David Iwai who picks me up and gives me the most aggressive bear hug Ive ever had in my life! Where Traci tramples over me practically and cries, and where I walk up to the Student lounge and see the biggest smile EVER on Julie's face! With big hugs from her and Tanya! I cried when I drove away from the campus today because not only am I leaving Cam there now until our wedding day... but I am leaving my family behind. I am leaving my life there to accomplish what I need to here, in order to return there. Its crazy to think about, and Im sure my tears will flow once again before these next three and a half months are over... but boy, did I ever feel the love these past few days!
The life of a CBC student is one that I will miss once I graduate and move on, but its seriously the life and the place that I love. I LOVE being a student, I LOVE education, I LOVE psychology and religious studies. I would be a forever student and accomplish a Ph.D if I could afford the time and money.
But tomorrow, I return to IGA... and count down the days until I go back for another visit to CBC on the 13th. And today in the car home I realized that I wouldn't be able to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished if I was at CBC this semester. Its a GOOD THING that I am here in Surrey, that I am at IGA. Its the right step in the correct direction and I keep getting told that the time will fly by. Honestly, I hope so!
Now... I have showers to look forward to! Can you believe it? Nantina my maid of honor is throwing me a shower tomorrow night. Im sure I will post some pictures when I can, I am thrilled and well... will most likely be overwhelmed. But Im SO EXCITED! :)
Finally.... the invitations are in the mail, and I am going to get all the little details done and sorted out soon, and I will feel like a bride! WOW! me... a bride :)
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