We had our girl talk, discussed some of the ups and downs of our lives... I miss these girls SO MUCH they are so important to me, that it breaks my heart to not be there living in Abby with them. Traci was my roommate last year, and with my FINALLY being back to normal thanks to the Deprovera leaving my body (it takes 6-12 months for the side effects to leave)... I can finally have such an incredible friendship with her without my hormones getting in the way.
It was also amazing to see Cam finally again after tweleve days of being apart. I know, "its just 12 days, whatever Nicole" but we did not even have communication over the phone or internet cause the White House (where he is living on campus) didn't have anything installed yet. So... I have my reasons to whine.
Just another week and a half to wait until Im back in town! I can not wait! I am super thrilled that in December that will be home for me... and then Julie and I will be doing our weekly cooking, and I will be able to have coffee on a consitent basis with Traci, O... and she can help me scrapt book. After doing those invites, I am hooked!

photos of my (and some very good
friends of mine, including, most
honorning maid of honor! Nantina)
blood, sweat,and tears! But my
goodness do they every look good!
I am soooooooo happy with them.
And now I am itching to get my hands
onto the next
couple of scrapt book projects that you are going to see in the wedding! creating my own "stationary" was super important to me to bring some of my creative flare to my big day. And I am thrilled to the outcome of it all so far!
Wahoo for scrapbooking! I move into my new house next week and I'll have lots of room for scrapbooking dates if you want to share one sometime :) I have much to scrapbook and I'd like to get a lot of it done before baby comes!!!
wow - little pockets and everything! you did a great job :)
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