literally, i feel like superwoman right now. its not that i have tights on with an estranged need to fly... but that i feel like i have conquered such a horror in my life and that i have come up ontop, skinny style! hahaha...
ive lost a total of twenty pounds in the past two months. i don't mean to brag, and its not about bragging at all, its not about "o look im getting skinny" its about the incredible accomplishment of kicking enemy endo butt and how SureSlim (the program im on) has been such an incredible tool in the process of it all. so seriously, if anyone of you is looking for a way to get healthy, this program is amazing!
but its not even about the program, my friend Jared is over at my house with my brothers playing video games all last night and today! its such a hoot when Jared comes over and soon he s moving to Aussie so it was imperrative that he come soon, so we made sure that we went out and did something last night, and well us Kroekers love to eat so... we went to Olive Garden, we drank and we were merry! (brandon drove home). but after the meal, after the dessert, after the fun... and back at home with guys around me playing video games until five in the morning, i didn't feel anything. NOT A THING! in my precious little tummy of mine. its like Dr Williams took a magic wand and made all the horror of the past five years vanish. its as though the memories of sitting in the pantry and crying because there was nothing for me to eat without pain never actually occured. the pantry is not a vortex of death, it doesn't matter anymore.
three months ago, if i was going to have that awesome night of carboydrate fun with the guys, i would bloat so bad my pants wouldn't fit and i would immediately need either a sweater or sweat pants, i would complain of horrendous cramping pain and i would have it all for at least two days, followed with what my docs called "terminal constipation" i would have to spend the night tossing and turing from the cramps, drink masses amounts of herbal teas and use hot water bottles to ease the discomfort. all that agony over one bowl of pasta and some bread sticks! sometimes, i would even get the pain from a bowl of salad!!! i would also gain at least five pounds from the experience. no wonder i gave up on food choices and let go, huh?
its incredible how such a small procedure has now fixed all of that, and how such a small mishap in my reproductive organs could have caused such agony for so long. I am SO BLESSED! beyond what i ever could have imaged to be cured the way that i have and to have such incredible friends and family around me in the process. im still on the SureSlim program, its helping with making me feel completely transformed and completely different from that girl that went into the surgery centre almost a month ago. Seriously people, i came out different... endo free, and i am super excited!
and all in time for my wedding, woot woot! :)
1 comment:
you're gonna need a new (smaller) dress! :)
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