hey folks! well... and update, and yes the nose tea-pot story for you Alissa!
it so happens that the water from the tea-pot, as I stuck the thing in my nose, tilted my head as I was supposed to according to the picture and directions.... almost make me throw up in the sink and cough like a crazy person!!!!! Cam was wondering what I was doing up there and was sad that he missed the spectacle that was me. Im not sure if that twenty bucks was a waste of money or not because Im scared of the thing and may never do it again! No! not me!
In other news... heehee, I went to the doc. Not my doc (I don't trust that lousy man who couldn't correctly diagnose me if my life depended on it). I went to the walk in clinic in Langley, with my mommy of course cause Im a little girl! But I was brave and waited in the little waiting room all by myself (really, I was impressed with myself). The doc came in, who was awesome! He was so nice, and so little, and so kind and listened which is new to me with medical doctors (other than Dr. Williams who is my gynecologist and the most amazing doctor ever! Kort will agree Im sure). Anyways...
He asked me the usual questions which were associated with trying to discover if my headaches are in fact migraine related, and since I researched before the appointment what kind of headaches I could be getting, I knew what info he was fishing for. Most of my answers were, "no! light & sound don't effect it", "no! Im not vomitting although Im feeling very much like I want to do so!". So he came very close to look into my eyes and TA-DA! nothing seriously wrong with me **breath of relief** but that my headaches are stress related and that I need to "change my lifestyle" and if I do indeed "change my life-style and take the advil he is recommending me to take" and Im not better in a couple months then I have to go back and see him again to talk about what else it could be.
If I take the advil every day on time (every four hours), then I feel somewhat alright, but if I miss it for a little while (like this morning) then I feel headachy, dizzy, sickly, and well... just not too pretty. More weird and faded like. Im not sure whats up! And no Kort, I haven't done what you suggested, although Im wondering if I should.
Okay guys... Cam and I are attempting to look at our taxes now, he has the stuff all laid out on our kitchen table, and as much as its going to give me a headache, he brought home my favorite wine so maybe that'll make it less painful.
Lots of love and smiles!
Oooh wine helps with headaches. I will def. give you some excedrin next time you're over...also try slurpees - I drink a lot of slurpees when I have a headache!!
I hope your headaches get better soon! too bad I don't have a magic wand to wave to make all your stress go away!
Thanks for writing about the teapot too!
Good luck on your taxes... we never do ours until the last minute. I would have them done back in february but Jonathan does them... so they get done when he does them
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