Wednesday, October 07, 2009

wahoooo! I booked my ultrasound for November 3rd! Im thrilled that I can get in so soon, considering most waiting lists for tests Ive been on are like one-three months long. This should be good, and interesting. I did a little "test" today at work, I didn't bring my lunch and ate really high fat food. Like an egg salad sandwhich and chocolate bar, it was yummy! But I wanted to see what would happen afterwards, I mean, according to the doc and what I was reading last night. The pain that Ive been experiencing, if gallbladder pain, should be focused after eating, under my right ribcage and would be throbbing, etc... and YEP! wow it hurt... A LOT! so Im going to try and keep experimenting while waiting for my test, on different kinds of food, mainly meats, dairy products and wheat. And keep a journal and see what I can do... I mean, if it is gallstones and I can control it with diet, that might mean no surgery in the future. If that is even what may happen. I just want to see if I can control it with what I eat.... or, well, not eat.

but yipppeee.... ultra sound in three weeks! :)

AND.... CAM GOT OUT OF JURY DUTY! PRAISE GOD! its such an answer to prayer, so thank you to all who have put in a little "dear God, please..." for us, we appreciate it so much!

smiles and yawns

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