Wednesday, December 30, 2009

so i just finished watching Julie and Julia which i felt was just fantastic! I loooove cooking shows and i loooove chick flicks, so this movie is perfect for me. so, because of this grand movie i decided i should at least blog tonight, although im not nearly as good as julie in the movie and there isn't much i made today to eat, other than pasta bake and garlic bread! mmm....

but then again this is why im blogging too.... tonight. im eager to start another new time in life, where i finally take charge of my eating habiats and get real with my body and my relationship with it. tomorrow marks day one of many... but at the very least it may be one that i hope will lead to full out change. im starting sureslim again, what i thought i wouldn't want to share on here, but after a lot of thought decided that if i at least make it clear on here my intentions then at least i'll HAVE to own up to my words. and well.... prove that i can do it. and prove that im serious about living. which i am.
i went on this plan when my gynecologist right before my surgery told me that i MUST loose weight for my laproscopy (i always spell that wrong, im sure of it) also... i seriously did NOT want to be a fat bride. so, in six weeks and twenty pounds less... my incredible wedding dress fit like a glove (it was ordered too small!) and my gynecologist was pleased and the surgery went very well. but now over a year later ive gained back my weight which I lost for my surgery and more. EWWWW! is right. thank goodness my amazing and incredible husband said he loves me no matter what!
its my new found love to cook and my amazing talent to not give a shit (pardon my language) thats put me in the place im afraid to be but darn good ready to leave. my grandmother died at 75 from heart disease which was caused by many years of being obese and diabetic cause she just didn't give a shit (again, pardon my language) im sooo pissed at her cause she could have made a difference in her life if she would have only ate lettuce instead of butter.... and now im doing the same to my body that she had done to hers and i say "HELL NO!" if im going to die at 75 its cause i got hit by a bus, not because i ate myself into disease.

so here goes nothing... bring it on sureslim! and lets get rid of my fat ass so that i can live long enough to piss off my grandchildren and have a sexy body while i do! heehee!

so those of my friends who read this and invite me out for dinner or over for baking, I LOVE you dearly! but im going to say no, cause this new year for me has to be about getting healthy... and stopping the ulcers and gallbladder diseases from starting. i can have decaf coffee though if you're offering!

loves, and healthy eats :)

1 comment:

Karen Roeck said...

"and lets get rid of my fat ass so that i can live long enough to piss off my grandchildren and have a sexy body while i do!"

HAHA best quote EVER! I'm here to support you in your New Years quest!! You can do it Nicole!