So.... QMM decided that since they have been traveling all week for meetings, that they would put off hiring. SO! when I called and spoke to Christina, she said that she would be calling me back early next week, and asked me if I could hang in there! I feel that if they don't want me at all.... then they wouldn't have given me a second interview, I also believe then that they would have told me no right away, or even today would have just said "we're going in a different direction" therefore, I have confidence that I have a very good chance of getting it. But things aren't final until they are final and I get that phone call and my cubical :)
The job is an office job, its a customer service representative position. Lots of phone calling customers, lots of answering phones, lots of paper work... etc.. etc.. but I really feel like I could do it and I really feel like I'd love it! So... still crossing my fingers that I get it!
No condo news as of yet... but I keep googling for ideas for the kitchen and bathrooms for renos.
Alissa, I'd love for us to sit in a starbucks/Chapters and go thru magazines for ideas :) if we do get it then it won't be until the new year that we would start big renos, but paint would probably be something we'd do sooner than later.
so.... another update will be posted as soon as there is true news to celebrate! its just incredible to me how Cam and I have been praying over and over and over again for God to guide us, show us, move us into the direction that He has planned. It was tears and pain and frustration of seeing where we wanted to be but never feeling like we knew how to get there and then BANG this condo comes up and BANG I get a text message from Kailee about a job she thinks I'd be great for in her office that'd be perfect... and BANG all these things fit PERFECTLY into where Cam and I are right now... this is it, this condo is our home we can feel it and I feel the same way about this job. Its just incredible to me how God works and answers prayers.
And even how God as been showing me how anxiety has been ruling my life and that instead of crazy trying to diet and crazy trying to "fix" who I am, I instead just need to focus on Him and ask Him to help me get through this anxiety and seek out my true self in Him and learn how to treat my body and myself properly without the restrictions and pain of a super strict life. Im not happy that Im the heaviest that Ive ever been, but its just been this past month that Ive noticed it... and that I am understanding how I got here, I want to change but help change my perspective first to stop using food for comfort, to stop using it to hide behind.
WOW is life a journey! :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
ANOTHER update! (for you Alissa Dueck cause you requested one!)
okay guys... SO I found out yesterday that the managers that had interviewed me have left for Alberta yesterday and are back on Friday, so Im quite sure from that news that they won't be calling me until Friday. Im actually working landscaping Friday so that cell is staying in my pocket all day long! If they don't call me by like 2pm or so than Im just going to call the office myself and ask for Christina and get the info cause its KILLING me to not know. But come on... how many peeps could they interview Monday?? Or even last week?? So I hopefully have a pretty good shot :) They are filling two spots too... as far as I know, I also know that one of the girls they interviewed before me they didn't like! SCORE! So as soon as I know, I will be posting!!! I also put in resumes to Starbucks and Coastcapital but... I would work at McDonalds for a while if I have to cause...
CAM AND I ARE BUYING A CONDO!!!! wahoooo!!!! in Murrayville, township of Langley!
Above is the link to MLS... you can click and see photos! The deal isn't done yet, we're still trying to get our financing together and have to extend our subjects in order to do that so super fingers crossed that the seller will let us extend. They have accepted our offer so we just need to get approved and sign some papers and then September 1st we move in!! We are sure they will extend cause they need to sell it and we're the ONLY offer on the table. We LOVE it! It needs some serious love as you can see from the photos but Im already looking online for ideas and all that jazz. Even if I don't get the QMM job, we're still buying it. We are just going to make it work... we have a plan! Like my brilliant hubby has said "you need to fight for what you want, so lets fight hard for it!" and so we are.
So yes, the stressing??? I really want this job cause it will make our lives soooo much better in terms of us buying this condo and to have benefits and security is awesome! If I don't get it than its just another swamp of uncertanity and waiting for when I get a job wherever (including McDonalds) to make sure that mortgage payment is paid. Cam still has his job landscaping so we're not eating KD quite yet... but he is going back to school for landscape horticulture soon so thats another reason why I need a good enough job to handle paying the bills so Cam can go to school and get his degree to have a career in a field he LOVES! and will sustain our family when we have babies and Im off work and finishing my degree(s).
The stress comes from all the major decisions that need to be made in terms of our future! I guess we're taking a risk... but well, we figure if the going gets super tough and shit hits the fan we can always sell and start again. We won't know until we try!
CAM AND I ARE BUYING A CONDO!!!! wahoooo!!!! in Murrayville, township of Langley!
Above is the link to MLS... you can click and see photos! The deal isn't done yet, we're still trying to get our financing together and have to extend our subjects in order to do that so super fingers crossed that the seller will let us extend. They have accepted our offer so we just need to get approved and sign some papers and then September 1st we move in!! We are sure they will extend cause they need to sell it and we're the ONLY offer on the table. We LOVE it! It needs some serious love as you can see from the photos but Im already looking online for ideas and all that jazz. Even if I don't get the QMM job, we're still buying it. We are just going to make it work... we have a plan! Like my brilliant hubby has said "you need to fight for what you want, so lets fight hard for it!" and so we are.
So yes, the stressing??? I really want this job cause it will make our lives soooo much better in terms of us buying this condo and to have benefits and security is awesome! If I don't get it than its just another swamp of uncertanity and waiting for when I get a job wherever (including McDonalds) to make sure that mortgage payment is paid. Cam still has his job landscaping so we're not eating KD quite yet... but he is going back to school for landscape horticulture soon so thats another reason why I need a good enough job to handle paying the bills so Cam can go to school and get his degree to have a career in a field he LOVES! and will sustain our family when we have babies and Im off work and finishing my degree(s).
The stress comes from all the major decisions that need to be made in terms of our future! I guess we're taking a risk... but well, we figure if the going gets super tough and shit hits the fan we can always sell and start again. We won't know until we try!
Friday, July 23, 2010
UPDATE! had another interview today!
so.... that first interview went really well. I was interviewed by only Christina who is one of the customer service manager type people. We got along really well I think and I felt really good coming out of the interview. It went for like a half hour!
I was then called for a second interview for today with another one of the boss people in the customer service department, I think this one went well. I was interviewed for a while and we both exchanged some laughs. I really hope that I made an impression cause I think the interview I had today is going to be the deciding factor...
They said they would let me know their decision by the end of next week... *fingers crossed* and many many prayers that I get it, I really REALLY want this job! It would be such a fantastic opportunity for me. If I don't get it however, I know that there will be something else for me to do and a different direction for me to go.
I was then called for a second interview for today with another one of the boss people in the customer service department, I think this one went well. I was interviewed for a while and we both exchanged some laughs. I really hope that I made an impression cause I think the interview I had today is going to be the deciding factor...
They said they would let me know their decision by the end of next week... *fingers crossed* and many many prayers that I get it, I really REALLY want this job! It would be such a fantastic opportunity for me. If I don't get it however, I know that there will be something else for me to do and a different direction for me to go.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
job interview! gah....
today at 1pm I am interviewing for a job at one of the most popular moving compaines around the lower mainland and the rest of Canada (I had not heard of them prior to this interview however!) Quality Move Management is the company... they move major companies and other high end people like the Canucks :)
anyways... I have an interview for the customer service rep position, my good friend Kailee already works for them and has been promoted several times so I hope I can live up to the expectations they have of me cause of what Kailee has been saying.
The pay is good, I would get benefits for me and Cam again (finally) and its apparently an incredible company to work for (says Kailee) so Im super nervous but excited to give it a shot and try to get a good office job again...
all in Gods will right? I keep praying that its so... I know that if I don't get it, something else just as good will present itself.
anyways... I have an interview for the customer service rep position, my good friend Kailee already works for them and has been promoted several times so I hope I can live up to the expectations they have of me cause of what Kailee has been saying.
The pay is good, I would get benefits for me and Cam again (finally) and its apparently an incredible company to work for (says Kailee) so Im super nervous but excited to give it a shot and try to get a good office job again...
all in Gods will right? I keep praying that its so... I know that if I don't get it, something else just as good will present itself.
Monday, July 19, 2010
so... Im going to go private with this thing... After I deleted it, I really did miss it and then began to think about all the things I could write about, and how this blog already contains a bunch of my life that I don't have documented anywhere else.
I just assumed that nobody read it... but then I got people asking me where it was, so I guess people do read it :) thats good to know!
Life has been interesting... I will post with more details, for now Im going to try and relax and spend some time praying before bed.
I just assumed that nobody read it... but then I got people asking me where it was, so I guess people do read it :) thats good to know!
Life has been interesting... I will post with more details, for now Im going to try and relax and spend some time praying before bed.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010

She had come out for our wedding in '08 and Cams graduation in '09, she will be incredibly missed by both Cameron and myself and of course the rest of the family.
WE LOVE YOU GRANDMA B... and we will see you again in heavenly glory.
WE LOVE YOU GRANDMA B... and we will see you again in heavenly glory.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
tomorrow is the actual day... but today I woke up to discover streamers, balloons, and a 25 banner and paper on the wall that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLIE! pink and purple roses, presents and my favorite Tim Hortons breakfast all set up! it was fabulous and super sweet of Cameron to put that all together. He is working tomorrow, so today he is making my day extra special... what a wonderful husband!
but tomorrow I will officially be 25!
that number has a bunch of different meanings to me... mostly there is symbolism in that number, that to me carries the reality of being an adult.
In highschool I thought that by the time I reached the age of twenty five I would own a home, have at least one child and be in a steady career, or in the midst of finishing a Masters Degree of some type. WOW! do things not exactly work out the way that they were initially planned. I got married when I knew I wanted to... 23 to be exact, and I am super happy that Cam came into my life when he did. He is my best friend and my everything.
I seem to get carried away that the expectations that I had put up for myself do not necessarily need to be fulfilled in the timeframe I gave myself when I was like thirteen. Its okay! Seriously, its okay! Life happens, shit happens! and figuring it all out so dramatically and perfectly in order to make sure every single avenue and piece of everything goes smoothly is impossible to handle. This I am realising. Its okay that I am not pregnant at this moment, that Im not living in a condo that Cam and I full out own. We will get there when we get there... and if shit happens along the way of meeting those goals, then we will work around it. All I wish for myself now, is to enjoy the ride of life and be happy and excited with every new adventure Cam and I step into...
I LOVE my life, I love my body and my spirit and my relationship with my most adored friends and most loving families (both Stehr and Kroeker) I LOVE my personality, dislikes and likes and big, opinionated mouth!
I Love that who I am is found in God...
I LOVE that I LOVE psychology and the motivation/drive I have to be someone someday in some sort of career, whether counselor or librarian
So... bring on twenty five! Im really eager to live out what it has in store!
Smiles and blesssings!
N. Stehr
but tomorrow I will officially be 25!
that number has a bunch of different meanings to me... mostly there is symbolism in that number, that to me carries the reality of being an adult.
In highschool I thought that by the time I reached the age of twenty five I would own a home, have at least one child and be in a steady career, or in the midst of finishing a Masters Degree of some type. WOW! do things not exactly work out the way that they were initially planned. I got married when I knew I wanted to... 23 to be exact, and I am super happy that Cam came into my life when he did. He is my best friend and my everything.
I seem to get carried away that the expectations that I had put up for myself do not necessarily need to be fulfilled in the timeframe I gave myself when I was like thirteen. Its okay! Seriously, its okay! Life happens, shit happens! and figuring it all out so dramatically and perfectly in order to make sure every single avenue and piece of everything goes smoothly is impossible to handle. This I am realising. Its okay that I am not pregnant at this moment, that Im not living in a condo that Cam and I full out own. We will get there when we get there... and if shit happens along the way of meeting those goals, then we will work around it. All I wish for myself now, is to enjoy the ride of life and be happy and excited with every new adventure Cam and I step into...
I LOVE my life, I love my body and my spirit and my relationship with my most adored friends and most loving families (both Stehr and Kroeker) I LOVE my personality, dislikes and likes and big, opinionated mouth!
I Love that who I am is found in God...
I LOVE that I LOVE psychology and the motivation/drive I have to be someone someday in some sort of career, whether counselor or librarian
So... bring on twenty five! Im really eager to live out what it has in store!
Smiles and blesssings!
N. Stehr
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