Sunday, July 04, 2010

tomorrow is the actual day... but today I woke up to discover streamers, balloons, and a 25 banner and paper on the wall that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLIE! pink and purple roses, presents and my favorite Tim Hortons breakfast all set up! it was fabulous and super sweet of Cameron to put that all together. He is working tomorrow, so today he is making my day extra special... what a wonderful husband!

but tomorrow I will officially be 25!

that number has a bunch of different meanings to me... mostly there is symbolism in that number, that to me carries the reality of being an adult.
In highschool I thought that by the time I reached the age of twenty five I would own a home, have at least one child and be in a steady career, or in the midst of finishing a Masters Degree of some type. WOW! do things not exactly work out the way that they were initially planned. I got married when I knew I wanted to... 23 to be exact, and I am super happy that Cam came into my life when he did. He is my best friend and my everything.

I seem to get carried away that the expectations that I had put up for myself do not necessarily need to be fulfilled in the timeframe I gave myself when I was like thirteen. Its okay! Seriously, its okay! Life happens, shit happens! and figuring it all out so dramatically and perfectly in order to make sure every single avenue and piece of everything goes smoothly is impossible to handle. This I am realising. Its okay that I am not pregnant at this moment, that Im not living in a condo that Cam and I full out own. We will get there when we get there... and if shit happens along the way of meeting those goals, then we will work around it. All I wish for myself now, is to enjoy the ride of life and be happy and excited with every new adventure Cam and I step into...

I LOVE my life, I love my body and my spirit and my relationship with my most adored friends and most loving families (both Stehr and Kroeker) I LOVE my personality, dislikes and likes and big, opinionated mouth!
I Love that who I am is found in God...
I LOVE that I LOVE psychology and the motivation/drive I have to be someone someday in some sort of career, whether counselor or librarian

So... bring on twenty five! Im really eager to live out what it has in store!

Smiles and blesssings!
N. Stehr

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Happy Belated! Glad Cam made it so special for you :)