I'm back! Jen mentioned when she was out here in November that she keeps checking to see if I have updated my blog yet... and then is sad when she sees that I haven't (now you'll have to comment on this post Jen so I know you've read it!)
Life has been kinda crazy since August (my last post) considering its December and two weeks away from Christmas, I have a lot to catch you up on, but most of you who read this already know about my life... so I guess its not so bad.
so 1st, I got the job at QMM, I started on September 13th and then I quit on November 10th. It is a long story why I quit, and if you honestly want to know the full story then just ask me. I don't want my personal details on that one to be lost in the orbit of the internet world. It is because of QMM and that experience that I decided that I really wanted a career that I know I would love, I thought, I prayed, I considered, I researched, I pondered, cried and came to the conculsion that ECE (early childhood education) was the route for me. I can go to school full time in the day (with one evening class) and finish my certificate, then finish my diploma at night while I work (after the certificate is complete) and then if I want, I can even take it into psychology to become a child psychologist OR I can continue at UFV and transfer my ECE into their Child and Youth Care BA and then keep going for a Masters degree in ECE. So there are SO many options it is unreal... so there will be so much that I can do with it! Im excited to start. I actually went to an orientation at Langley College on a Tuesday, went to their testing and interview process two days later on Thursday and was accepted that Monday for their January semester!!!! YAY me! I even got 96% on their entry exam!
Other than that.... Christmas is going to be awesome this year! We are going to spend equal time between Cams family and my family, its going to be different this year but thats okay! we finally get Brandon this time! he isn't in Germany this year like he was last year.
I think I will try to think of other things we've been up to and catch you up next time...the pic is taken from my sister-in-laws blog, my nephew Timothy and I. He is 11 months this month, I love that little guy! the only nephew I have (so far!).
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