Monday, August 29, 2011

killer stomach

I've been needing to desperately change the way that I eat and how I view food for a while now. Since getting married back in December 2008, I've gained a fair bit of weight. It's no secret (as much as i want it to be). If you knew me three years ago and saw me now, you'd know that I got bigger. At first I was mortified once I realized how much I gained (far too much) but then after a while I stopped getting mad at myself and instead asked myself why I allowed this to happen while not entirely realizing that it was.

Lately however, I have gotten far less worried about the number on the scale and far more worried about my health. It is evident from my lack of energy, abundance of stomach pain, brain fog and other symptoms that change is in order if I want to live happily.

Tonight I started a change and my body immediately reacted with vengeance. I haven't had stomach pain like this since early this year... Lucky me. Should go away by Tuesday night, I hope.

In other news, my hubby cut me some flowers from the garden he's such a sweet heart!

Blessings, N.

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