Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A sweet note!

A great end to a rough day that involved a boy having potty trouble which resulted in a puddle of pee and my foot.

At least I got quite a few hugs!


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well... The first dump of the white stuff for the season and I needed to head off to my night class. Good thing there is a snow policy and I got to leave early. Sadie our new car passed the snow test (such a relief). I'm so thankful we got her, she's SO much safer than Bernie (our previous vehicle). Now let's hope it melts over night so I can get to work in the morning.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I want this painting, SO badly. I love elephants and would proudly hang this in my living room. Maybe one of these days I can convince my church to sell it to me.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Feeling good!

So since I've begun eating healthfully and tracking my food intake, I've lost weight!!! 6 pounds in one month!!! I'd say that's victorious :) I bought a cute sweater today to celebrate. I got more to go but I'm off to a great start.

Next step is adding exercise, my new goal is to start waking up at 6am to spend time in the gym and meditate before my day starts.

I'll let you know if the early to rise is a success. I keep telling myself that I will probably not get to the point right away where I want to get up and go on the bike. But that I should do it anyways because I love and respect myself. Which means taking care of myself! And buying myself gifts (like my cute sweater) when I succeed!!!

Happy long weekend :)

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

My ECE heart

lately I've been thinking a lot about my job. You see, in my Foundations of ECE class I've been assigned the task of writing my own philosophy of ECE paper. This paper includes my beliefs and values in what it takes to be a quality ECEducator. I need to write about what my opinion of quality care is, what the environment and curriculum in a centre should look like and many other aspects of the field.

It's got me thinking. What do I really believe is important? What are my beliefs in regards to child care and early learning? Why have I pursued this role and what does my future in this field look like?

Well... What I know I believe from the depths of my heart is that children, all children, deserve quality education, care and access to a variety of different experiences. Children should be allowed to get dirty outside (and inside) and finger paint to their hearts content. I strongly believe that children should be able to be as creative and free in creativity as much as possible. There is a time and a place for product art, but if they want to scribble out of the lines and draw a sun brown, let them! They are experiencing and learning. I also firmly believe in risk taking for children and allowing them to try things in a safe environment. As well as, encouraging children to do things by them self, or at least try.

I know my future in this field will be only success and hard work. I plan on working for W&T for as long as possible. I know I'll get my diploma and I know I'll move up into a supervisor role. Maybe convince W&T to open up an infant toddler centre in the future?? Who knows, it's Gods plan. He put me here, I have no doubt that I was meant for this. I finally have passion for my job, there is purpose in what I do. I get hugs and smiles everyday!!!

But, I'm still thinking and eventually that paper will get written... Maybe you'll see more Posts like this until that day :)


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