Friday, October 12, 2012


Apparently I can't do it all, according to my husband I'm not superwoman, I'm super mom! So back in the spring as I was planning my life for the fall I never thought for once that I couldn't complete my goals. Even if I was to get pregnant.

I mean why wouldn't I be able to work full time daycare, go to night class and grow a baby in my uterus? I mean come on, I can do it all right? NOPE!

I'm so grateful for the fantastic company I work for. A company that loves children and believes in investing in their education. But also in their employees, enough to communicate concern. Especially if the one they're concerned about is pregnant, exhausted, stressed and could burn out sooner than later (ME!).

So after I shed tears, prayed, realized how I'm truly feeling and the reality of what's happening in my body, I made some serious changes. First, I dropped my ECE night class and praise GOD that they refunded me the full amount. Then I committed to trading shifts at work for the later shift which means more sleep. And now I'm in conversation at work about going down to part-time.

This means a lower maternity pay, but you know what? Money isn't everything and as Cam mentioned before, his baby and his wife's health mean much more than a few hundred dollars a month.

So yah, I'm not superwoman. I'm a 27 year old super mom growing a miracle and prioritizing the importance of that miracle. I love you Bubba, with every fiber of my being and I will do anything and everything for you!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Karen said...

Hey Nicole! Glad to read all your updates! Can you work part-time for a bit then go back to full-time? You will start feeling MUCH better really soon (even though it may not seem like it now!) and it is definitely, definitely worth it to have a higher EI cheque for a whole year. Your EI payment will be 55% of your wage in the last 14 weeks before you go on mat leave, so try to stick it out as long as you can! Hope to see you soon <3 Karen

Karen said...

PS - you might be able to go on short term disability for a few weeks. I was off for 3 weeks with Kate at the end of the first trimester with no penalty. So worth it for the time off and I went back to work well-rested and ready to go!