Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Tell me why do I own this crib that's never used??

Edison is the best at cuddling, he just loves to snuggle up at my boob and put himself to sleep. And if my boob isn't anywhere in sight then he'll settle for a soothie and some rocking to catch his z's. But then try and put him in his crib or playpen and in minutes you've got a wide awake hysterically crying little man. He's not a happy boy when sleeping alone and I'm getting to the point where I really want to encourage that to change.

I never imagined that I'd become the mom that would co-sleep with her baby. I always questioned the practice and deemed it unsafe and a complete nuisance. I mean why would I want to share my bed, I already share it! But then Edison came along of course and I ended up reading tons of articles on the benefits of co-sleeping and after a few sleepless nights I said screw it and Edi has ended up in our bed half way through the night ever since. And I've really noticed how different the nights are when I bring Edi into our bed compared to the nights when I'm fighting him to fall back asleep so I can get him back to his bed and me back to mine.

Yet, I'm back and forth in all this. I think to myself that things seem fine. He's needing comfort and my breasts seem to be the place he's choosing for that. But then there's moments (more often lately) when I'm wishing I could just put him in his crib for his nap so I can get the loads of laundry done or take a much needed nap and shower. I don't want this to become a bigger issue in a couple months when he's older and more aware. But then I don't want to rush what he's not ready for, I'm really not sure where to go from here.

What do I do? Where do I start? I have no clue. I knew that the three month mark was when I wanted to start doing something to establish routine and move Edison slowly to his crib. I'm not so desperate to get him in his crib at night so much as I am to get him there for his naps and then transition him after he's napping in his crib most of his naps. I'm realizing though that this is going to take some serious dedication (and tears) but I'm not willing to do the cry it out method. That method is just not for us, no judgement if you did it, I just don't want to. So what do I do? How do I start? What's best? I'm no longer worried about Edison nursing to sleep on me (a non issue on my opinion) but I do want him to sleep in his crib after his feeds if he's sleepy. That transition is the most important for me to start working on. Because right now he'll only sleep on either me or Cam or my mom most times. And only stay sleeping if he's being held.

I never anticipated that I'd have to teach my new baby how to sleep. Shouldn't that just be built in from birth? I think it should be!


Sharon said...

My kid is currently napping on the floor of his room while I'm sitting at the computer blogging. At least, attempting to blog.

Anonymous said...

Nicole your posts crack me up because Edi sounds sooooo similar to my Carter!! We have never used our crib ever besides a laundry collector (until I got smart and attached it to our bed to give us more cosleeping room). At 22 months his half hour nap is either strapped to me in the ergo or in the car. It takes a bit more effort and I have never been ye mom that could just leave him in his crib for 3 hours and go get something done but I've managed and he is happy and has never had to experience the crying out. I found the swing also really helped him stay asleep longer in the early days since he was such an "in arms baby" and would wake very quickly if he was just put down. Keep readin books that align with what your doing to give yourself confidence. It sounds like we have similar babies and philosophies and Dr. Sears has been my go to guru for everything and helps reaffirm my choices and explain the "high needs" "in arms" babies that seem to be our little guys which actually can be viewed as a great trait. On days where I have zero freedom I just keep reminding myself what an amazing attachment we have and will continue to develop. Good luck! - Carrie