No! My baby boy absolutely does not even closely resemble an infant who "sleeps through the night." I'm lucky to get three straight hours of sleep and sometimes it's a miracle if I get four. I frequently stumble around my home like a sleep deprived zombie and I drink at least two cups of coffee (yes, even while exclusively breast feeding) a day. I also hold my baby while he takes his naps and frequently bed share with him throughout the days when I need a nap too.
So you may say, "wow! Nicole how do you cope? Just let him cry." And to that comment I respond with "thanks, that might work for you and that's ok but I refuse to implement the cry it out method and that's ok too." And you know what? It is!
It's ok for me to wake up several times during the night because I've come to understand that my parenting doesn't stop when it gets dark outside. I'm still Edison's mommy at night, in bed and asleep just as much as I am his mommy during the day and awake. So if my baby needs me, he gets me. This too will not last, this too is just a season in my boys life and one day far in the future I'll miss my nights of nursing him back to sleep for the third time by 4am.
I'm taking my time transferring him to his room in his crib. I'm allowing my bed be a haven for him if he needs to nurse back to sleep at 6am. I used to be worried. I was nervous, stressed and terrified thinking that I was doing it wrong. Believing the lies that he'll never learn to sleep on his own or trying out any method possible to get him to sleep longer. And then I decided to say NO! I'm following my gut, I'm trusting my child. I'm parenting my baby my way and I'm not going to worry about this anymore. I'm going to wait out what my son needs, I'm going to wait for when HE is ready to sleep through the night in his crib. But until then what I'm doing is just fine, in fact it's perfect! And if that's a little "crunchy momma attachment style" for you then I'm sorry (not really)!
So no, there's no sleeping through the night here. Instead there's a lot of night nursing, walking, cuddling and gliding with some dreaming mix in. And I'm okay with that.
So now, Where's my coffee??