This afternoon Cam and I were making our way through Superstore for our weekly grocery shop. This time around we knew we needed to get a few extra things. We knew that Edison's 12 month pants were getting tight so we searched through the clearance rack and we knew that Easter is coming up so we saw stuffies and Easter books marked down. "Perfect", we thought! "We can probably afford that."
We've felt convicted to trust God lately through the little things as well as the big things. We've come to realize that trusting our lives means trusting for daily needs and also wants. It means starting off the day with a heart of thankfulness and sticking to the goals we've put in place to get us through. So even with the knowledge of extra purchases we said, "only $100 today at the store. It's what we've got in cash already, we're trusting it to be sufficient today." And with that we collected what we needed from our list and proceeded to the cash register.
I was packing our groceries with Edison in the cart and Cam was at the till. The total was over our budgeted $100 and so we stuck to our goal and asked for the Easter items (Lamby and a book) to be taken off our bill. "That will be $98.97." "Perfect!" I thought, "I can always budget Easter things later when we have more of a cash flow."
Cam paid and then proceeded to help me pack our food when all the sudden Lamby was put in Edison's lap by the woman in line behind us. "For your boy", she said and I stood stunned. We thanked her over and over. With smiles and shocked faces we pushed our cart to the exit and tears welled up in my eyes, "she doesn't know us," I said to Cam. "She has no idea what our situation is, she has no idea who we are and yet she blessed us."
So thank you!!!!!!! From the bottom of this mommas heart. Your gesture was simple and maybe to you it was just a $7 stuffed animal but to us it means so much. To us it means we're being provided for, we're being thought of and we're all that much more grateful for it.
So welcome to our little family Lamby!!!