Tuesday, May 10, 2016

One of each

I have a daughter and I have a son. I am blessed. But I am not blessed solely because I have a daughter and a son. I am blessed because I have healthy children, their gender is irrelevant. So why am I coming across this comment again and again, "you've got one of each, you can be done now!" 

I'm sorry... What?! 

I don't know for certain if Cam and I are done having children. My daughter isn't even a month old yet, we've got time to consider our options. But I hate that others feel the need to comment on the topic and base it solely on the gender of my children. 

What if I wanted to birth only boys or only girls (I never have)? What if the perfect picture of my family included more than two? Who cares if I have "one of each." My family is complete the way Cam and I choose to complete it and the gender of my children have nothing to do with that. 
