Friday, July 21, 2006

so hello to all who read this... its late, and although i left nantinas house early to go to bed early i guess i never actually got to the "bed" part of it all. just the "lets check my email" part, which turned into two hours of doing things i cant even remember online. o well... at least i didnt waste my time with gold miner like i always do (reminds me of cam)

so once again... i got a sore tummy, yes i know, its my fault and yes i know i am complaining... but if you dont like it, stop reading! :P i tried my "rice bread pizza crust" its wheat and gluten free, but frankly i guess thats just not enough for my silly stupid digestion system. o well.... life goes on and here i go taking another two of my pills.
BA! i just wish that i was normal already... or at least physically normal.
other then the one cheat I had with a little icecream and one cookie, everything seems to be okay... that cheat though did cost me big time with a sore tummy for a couple of days. sooo not even worth it. especially when i can go and buy brown rice icecream and cookies, which reminds me to pick some up tomorrow! :) yummies!

so other then the whole complain of health issues, life is pretty much normal.
and since its getting closer to 1am im going to cut this really short... Good Night! Sleep Tight! :)



kortney said...

Nicole, I read an article the other day and was flipping through some of my health stuff when I thought of you.
Seems as though your health issues have been up on the front line lately. Wondering if you ever got tested properly for Celiac disease? I have a friend who got diagnosed with this last year and it took many tries to get the proper test done.
He got diagnosed first with IBS. And did you know I got diagnosed with IBS three times before I got properly diagnosed with endo? The last doctor I saw told me that IBS is the disease doctors say you have when they're sick of testing/seeing you.

Now...I don't doubt one bit your stomach is sick to food and that food affects it. But if what my doctor said is true about IBS, then perhaps a second opinion would be in order? Just thought if it is Celiac, some of the things you're eating aren't good for you either I don't think - and not only is Celiac show on the outside, if it's not treated it wears on the inside.

Just some thoughts so you can be as healthy as you can be :)

MJ said...

Hey there babe. Sort of along the lines of wut yer friend said. I would say see a doctor and maybe even counselling. Not because I think that you are crazy or are losing your mind. But sometimes physical pain is an indication of mental stress and can play a major factor in any of these chronic diseases. My grandma who has Celiac desease was very sick for the longest time, now she is better and all she did was weed out the gluten and saw a therapist. I don't think that you are crazy, but it is worth a try and is better than living a life full of dietary restrictions and frustrations.
I love you!! I will call you tonight...