you know, lately ive felt so far away from God that it hurts... a pain other then my stomach, yet one which cuts the deeper part of who iam. i realize over and over again how horribly lost i am without Christ. i see so much sin in my life that it overwhelms me and convicts me. the verse that you read at the beginning of this blog is what i read everyday, day in and day out, something which i should take the effort to memorize. its opening up my eyes to see the most important thing... my relationship with God... its telling me that I dont know everything! I am nothing compared to the majesty of God, to the increasing amazing power of Christ in my life. I especially love the part "your body will glow with health". I do not blame anyone for the things in my life, i blame myself at most times, yet the peircing thing that keeps me stuck is fear I guess. the fear that i am not pleasing God the way I should be, that im not "doing all i can" to bring him what he expects from me. this is such horrid thinking. GOD LOVES ME! no matter what i do, no matter who i am, there is nothing that can keep him away from me... so why!? why am i allowing lies to keep me stuck in the fear of where i am. pastor mike said something that really grabbed me... that God will always complete what he starts in his people, that he IS NOT going to give up on me, even if i give up on myself, even if what i think isnt enough for him, he will continue to try to convince me that it is, cause hes not looking for me to measure up. hes just looking for me to seek him, love him... Love, its the only word that describes who God is and what he expects from us. L-O-V-E, so love, here I come! :)
1 comment:
great post girl! thanks for sharing those verses. it was a real encouragement for me to read as well! thank you! God is good. anyway, your bro is so sweet! hang in there. miss you tons! praying for you! lots of love & hugs!
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