Monday, August 07, 2006

well.... im off!
I will be on a plane heading to Hawaii in 13 hours. im really really looking forward to it, its going to be great! :)
when i get back i will update you all on how it went and post some pictures.

so i have been praying about my job and my new manager. although i was really upset about how she talked to me that other time i decided that i need to stay. i keep feeling that God is bringing me peace to stay, so i will. i wont take anything that aimee says personally, and i will be the best worker i can be!
so yah... i dunno, im really happy when im not being yelled at, i wanna keep my discount and my hours are going to be cut dramatically when i go back to school so it wont be that bad. then i will apply for something more right before im out for the summer again. thats my plan and i like it.

but for now.... HAWAII HERE I COME!

ps. everyone pray that i come home safely and that the plane doesnt go down...i wanna come home again! :)


kortney said...

I hope you don't take liquids on the plane or anything on the ride home. Watch the news :)

Heather Jane said...

Yeah I was thinking the same thing... eek. Your meds :(