Wednesday, September 27, 2006

so things in life, in these regards are good.... I have nothing really to complain about, unless the amount of homework which gets increasingly large is something to vent about. The material is awesome! and its hard to believe that Im actually studying for a B.A! wow, me with a B.A??? that'll be the day (sometime in 2009 to be exact)
but anyways...
I encourage you all that are interested... to read my IBS blog.
I know, I know, hearing about a digestive disorder isnt so exciting, but its whats going on with me, so take a peek and I'll keep posting here too, I promise!


o yah... still totally considering that nose piercing and tatoo that I am wanting... still not sure... yet still not totally convinced that its a no, maybe I'll randomly post a pic with me all decked out with both! hahahah..... **ponders**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll pierce my belly button if you do your nose!