those of you that visit often, may become confused to the new title, verse and layout of my trusty blogger site. Yes, this is still me, still my blog and still my life. I am still devoted to Jesus Christ (as the verse clearly states) and I still am "simply driven by Christ" that will forever be apart of who I am. Driven solely on the passion, purpose and faith that comes with giving ones life to Jesus Christ.
and although all those things are extremely important, I feel the need for a name change and a new direction to walk in my life.
to be a forgiven victory...
let me explain.
I recently found that my name means VICTORY, along with the definition of saved, victorious in battle and being given victory
I found this to be appropriate because there have been so many things in my life that I have been victorious in, and many things now that I need Gods grace, mercy and forgiveness to find victory and overcome them.
God has forgiven me for many events, and things that I have done, yet each time...hes is gracious enough to bring me victory in it all.
its an encouragement....that I can be a forgiven victory in the things today and tomorrow that are keeping me where I am, and I need, only through Gods strength to pass through the bondage.
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