Tuesday, February 13, 2007

tomorrow is valentines day!
am I excited?? Heck yes I am! WHY?? you ask??... well, you see there is a game at CBC which is called something like "heart day!" or whatever. Pretty much the girls on campus make carboard hearts and decorate them with their names on it... they then are unable to talk to all boys on campus until 6pm, unless they want to give up their heart. the boys with the most hearts in the end (taken from girls, by making them talk) and the girls with the most hearts at the end (who have not talked to boys and get to keep their hearts) wins a pizza party with some other goodies. My unit is DETERMINED! to win, plus my RA wants pizza badly, the food here is horrible some days, well... most days, and we're desperate for some good junk food.
Cam is DETERMINED! to get my heart... I told him that he Must do something exceptionally extrodinary for me to talk to him... so now Im scared to see what hes going to come up with. NO smile, or childish little gesture is going to make me say anything... it needs to be GOOD!
I'll let you know what happened... and what he tried so hard with... but hes had a grin on his face for the past week, with his sly little comments like "we'll see about you keeping your heart on valentines day!" I know he had to fight for the car for tomorrow too, so there must be something up! hmmmm.... I keep trying to figure it out! maybe mini-golfing??? we ALWAYS go mini-golfing!!
but yes... so tomorrow, Nantina has decided to be my escort for the day, walking with me everywhere so that I do not talk to Cam, then I'll lock myself in one of the Medowoods girls apartments for the day... this way, my unit isnt going to hate me when I break down and talk to Cam...

anyways... fingers crossed that I keep it... I want pizza too! :)
Be BLessed!!!!

1 comment:

Lauren Laidler said...

awesome post! now i'm dying to know how it all turned out! keeping ya in my thoughts & prayers. keep smiling and God bless! xoxoxoxo