Friday, March 23, 2007

its been a while...sorry guys!
life has been very busy, lots of homework to get done, most of which I finished Monday and Tuesday, all the small stuff so that I can get started and keep focus on the big stuff! like my ethical reasoning paper.

Im doing the ethical issue of post-menopausal pregnancies, meaning woman who have babies when they are not physically able anymore through fertalization. there is something about this that makes me angry!!! I mean... why would a woman be so selfish as to bring a baby into the world, only to "enjoy" that child for a short amount of time because of the reality that woman in their 60's don't usually live very much longer! I find that its kinda crazy... but thats just my opinion.
Im also doing an assignment with Alissa on Haggai in the minor prophets, this assignment is very very fun!
next is my Anabaptist integration paper... long and all about how the Anabaptist movement of the 16th century has effected my own theology and in what ways, this one Im looking foward to writing (i love writing anyways!) but I think its going to be more challenging.... O well, a challenge is good!

so yep! thats going to be my life for the next three weeks O well!

o... I know what Im taking next semester already!

Biblical Hermenutics
Intro to Phsycology 1
Intro to Counselling 1
Marriage and Family

It'll be a good one! although Im thinking of throwing in another biblical elective just to make it 15 credits, but we'll see.
till next time! :)



Lauren Laidler said...

i totally understand life is crazy busy! no worries! thanks for keeping us all posted on life though! just updated my blog too! love ya and miss ya! keep smiling and God bless! xoxo

Anonymous said...

an interesting tack on the paper would be to discuss the effects on the child of being the product of a post-menopausal pregnancy... for example, the risk of having a child with down's syndrome or the risk of having multiple children or the babies being born immaturely increase as the woman's body ages and the eggs are older therefore they are prone to more genetic mutations.
another interesting point if you're going on the selfish angle is to consider the number of children without good homes and opportunities that could get adopted instead of them having in vitro.
Also I think about the sheer cost of in vitro... its about 15 thousand i think...
however on the other hand, isn't the technology available to be used? Don't we have extended medical benefits that cover an amount of the IVF expenses? And there is something to be said about a child that yo uknow the genetics of... knowing that he'll have good prenatal care and the best possible start... no substance abuse issues? And what about that "yearning" that some women have to hold a child in their arms... a child who is the product of their love for another? One who is a piece of you... one to carry on the family name, one that reminds you of a family member lost?
just a few thoughts about the topic! good luck!