okay... so Im going to be writting my paper tomorrow and doing my argument on tuesday in class on my ethical issue. However, I want your opinion and advice when it comes to my topic, everything you got. For or Against. Get me thinking about more angles, there is tonz of research in this, its VERY interesting! (at least to me!) so... leave me a comment. PLEASE! :)
having a child after menopause which average age is about 55-56 years old.
how ethical is this? considering the child's life.
hey nicole... i found an interesting article from the ethics committee of the american society of reproductive medicine... i think its the guiding society for those who practice reproductive medicine in the us..l its only 2 pages long and quite interesting...
this is a very interesting, well thought out, clear explanation of the topic too...
thanks sooo much Alissa!
I'm only against this if it's unnatural - what I mean is, if a woman has waited that long to have children and needs to receive InVitro in order to conceive then I am against it.
However, if God naturally let's you conceive at that age, than who are we to argue?
Oh - I'm not against in vitro in general, just when it becomes at an unnatural age to have children. God gave us menopause for a reason. Apparently that's when the best sex happens (ha!) and so when we're that age he wants us to enjoy it without worrying about pregnancy. :)
hhaaha... thats awesome kort! best sex in mid 50's, hmmmm, how come so long to wait!? Yes, woman would have to use in vitro fertilization to have children passed the age of menopause. A women usually finishes menopause at age 56 (average) and becomes infertile at age 45, and starts menopause at age 51. I agree, Im not against in virto fertilization in general, just not for women who want children "just cause" at a time when the child will undoubtly end up with no mother early in life.
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