Sunday, July 29, 2007

So.... I quit IGA today! actually, I put in my two weeks notice to Kathy, to give to Jon and my last day will be August 11th. Why??? Because I am going to be living full time in Abbostford at CBC this coming fall, September 2nd to be exact. And going back and forth to work, from Abby to Surrey to Abby to Surrey is just soooo hard with 15 credits, deadlines and opportunities to hang out with friends. Last year, I had no life at all. This year, I want time to socialize and I don't want to be stressed outta my mind that I get more ulcers and anxiety attacks. I will be applying for a job at the CBC cafeteria, for approx. 8-10 hours a week, which is nothing really compared to the 20 hours I was doing at IGA each weekend last year. So yep.. this is the plan. I'll reapply for cashier at IGA in April of next year for the summer... hopefully Jon will take me back, and if not. I will be applying to other places as well anyways! :)

O, also guess what???
IM GOING TO PALM SPRINGS most likly for vacation, after August 11th sometime. I will die though from the intense heat there is over there.. but o well! it'll still be TONZ OF FUN! and hopefully I'll get an awesome tan!!!!

well.... gots to go and sleep soon
Be Blessed!

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