Tuesday, September 04, 2007

hahaha... yes, as my time ticker has said, Im BACK AT CBC! and it is wonderful! No classes as of yet, they start on Wednesday, but campus life is SO MUCH FUN! this year is going to be so amazing. Amber Hodgkiss is my roommate, along with Traci. And the best and most exciting part of this year is....


hahahahaah.... yep, Cam is living exactly beside me. No joke, just walk out my door and through his apartment door and there he is! If we can live THIS close together for the next eight months with no sweat... then Im even more confident that we're meant to get hitched! OOOOOOOO yah! :)

well.... I'll keep you updated. I start cash in the cafeteria tomorrow, Im kinda nervous.


Lauren Laidler said...

that's awesome nicole! that's just fantastic!!!!!! all the best this week! have so much fun! hope you love your classes! thinking of you! xoxox

Anonymous said...

hey nicole, glad to hear you're so excited for school! i start my first day as a real teacher in 2 hours....i guess i should be getting ready instead of sitting here on the computer!

you missed our day of fun last night at the wienses house :( we went swimming and played poker...well, i was the only girl that played! haha. i hope everything is going well and that your first week will be awesome

-karen (it won't let me sign into my account for some reason)

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious that you and Cam live sooo close to each other this year. Too funny!