The homework is getting done so that the trip to Ontario can be filled with lots and lots of family boding time! :) But the reality of my adult psychology research paper being due eight days after we get home from the trip is going to be hard for me to swallow while Im there. SO... Im going to have to start researching online at their place to ease my panic and get a good start on my thesis. Im planning to do the topic of either mood disorders with a concentration on anxiety or premenopause and how the symptoms can affect everyday life. Anyone have any other ideas? Or good research sites and resources?
Other than school being fabulous, things around here are great. Cam is working on a regular basis which is such a praise item for us. However, the hours he works each day are not full time so that is still a need for prayer. I do have an important prayer item that involves my sister in law Jen, her husband Dan and their new son Timothy who we are visiting in Ontario next week.
Timothy may have cystic fibrosis, the doctors tried a sweat test on him and the results came back inconclusive so now we have to wait until Tim is two months old for his next test. There is no family history of cystic fibrosis on either side of the families so we are in high hopes that the test comes back negative and that little Timmy is okay. Please pray that he is completely healthy and that when Tim is tested in March again, that the results are good. Thank you, we all appreciate it.
until next time... blessings!
Anxiety is a great topic! There's lots of research available on that. Good luck to you as you tackle that one! Praying for little Tim!!
i'd love to read a paper on how psychological stress manifests itself physically. that would be quite the paper!
have a great time!
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