Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teacher Nicole?!

Years ago, when I was in highschool I had the opportunity to go to Mexico three seperate times for mission work. I got to help run a daily vacation bible school for children and hang out with a bunch of incredible kids. It was the highlight of my highschool career, and out of it I decided that I would be a missionary. Then came graduation and going onto choose where I would go to school and what I would do. So... I went to CBC, started doing a Intercultural Degree and then ended up meeting Cameron (my love!) and realising that marrying him was my dream and my future. So I changed my major to psychology and LOVED every moment of it.

To make a very long testimony short... I NEVER thought I'd EVER become a preschool teacher. If you could go back and talk to Nicole Stehr even just one year ago, Im sure she'd laugh, or shake her head, or maybe even brush off what you were saying if you'd tell her that a year from that moment she would be a preschool teacher working for W&T.

Back in my college years each roommate I ever had outside the dorms was an Early Childhood Educator, and there were songs, and they were silly, and they had weird homework and everything was over expressive. And I thought to myself, by golly! why in the world would anyone EVER go into that career field?! Little did I know that I was destined to follow in their footsteps, because now... I LOVE every single moment of the sillyness, the joy, the laughter, the songs, the FUN! Cause it truly is incredibly fun and if you love children as much as I do and if you love watching children grow and develop and learn as much as I do, then you can only LOVE love love this career.

When I took child psychology and finished reading that text book from cover to cover, I was just overwhelmed with how a child develops, learns, grows and becomes the person they will be as an adult. I have the honor of being able to teach and love children at the most vital time in their development and that is incredibly special to me. I have lots to learn and lots to master in terms of how to do the guiding and the teaching right. But I have an incredible amout of love to offer those three and four year olds that will walk into my preschool classroom and I am eager to get started!

Teacher Nicole? Yah... I can handle that title. I will wear that badge proudly :)

1 comment:

kortney said...

Yeah, I'm proud and happy for you Teacher Nicole :) (And glad I chose W&T LOL!!!)