Sunday, January 22, 2012

A little of this and that

So we got a lot of snow this past week, so much so that I cried in my car on the way to work one morning. I was petrified that I wouldn't make it there and instead hit black ice and end up in a ditch. I love snow, but despise driving in it. Sadie (my car) didn't even start one morning, I was late for work but just glad that my dad was home and able to take me in my little brothers car. That was definitely the worst morning so far, there was even a spider in my shower that morning. BUT now there is rain, no snow.

I've been reading this great book by Joyce Meyers about health and worthiness. It's inspired me to pay attention to what I eat once again and start exercising on a daily basis. So now I'm tracking my calories and waking up at 6am to use the gym in my garage. I'm honestly loving it, I'm not weighing myself cause frankly I don't care about that. I just want to be healthy.

I only have one week left at work before I go down to four days a week for two months. That's another post, I'm still not too sure how much I want to share. But I will say that I'm going to be participating in a treatment at Vancouver Hospital.

Well... Time for my lazy Sunday to commence.

Blessings, N.

A pic of my new favorite book (below)

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