Friday, January 27, 2012


So today as I was trying to convince Cam to let me have a cup of his coffee, my phone rang. "Nicole, so Teacher D is sick, you need to be the supervisor today. All day! I got you subs." my response? "um... What? Ok. Thanks." insert brief panic attack followed by quick sprinting to get out the door and to work early to get things set up. All in all, it was a FANTASTIC day!

I've been praying lots for God to show me if I'm in the right spot. Please God, show me that I can do this. All of it, please bring me confidence and belief in my abilities. He answered those prayers today. Because honestly, I rocked it!! :)

So Teacher D, it's ok if you get sick! I promise I can take care of things.

Happy Friday,

Teacher N.

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