Wednesday, November 21, 2012

18 weeks pregnant!

How far along: 18 weeks!

Size of baby: sweet potato (5.5 inches & 5 ounces)

Weight gain/loss: I'm weighing in on Thursday mornings now, so I'll update this tomorrow.

Maternity clothes: going to Black Friday this week, I want to get a Christmas outfit.

Movement: just discovered yesterday that after I'm done exercising Bubba moves around A LOT! Another motivation for me to get moving.

Sleep: I'm having a harder time turning around at night now. I'm still waking up a lot for the bathroom, o well!

Cravings: so I totally caved in and had Burger King last Thursday. But as for cravings recently, not really.

Symptoms: well, just the usual. I know that if I eat food that's not so great then I get heartburn. If I don't drink enough water then I get a headache. So really, I don't have much to complain about.

Best moment of the week: feeling all the movements last night. But Sunday (not the best moment but...) I woke up with a headache and immediately drank water thinking it would help. Instead I threw up so violently that I burst blood vessels in my face and down my neck. Lucky me! Haha, I'm going to look SO FABULOUS after I deliver Bubba I'm sure, with my face all spotted. Oh well, that's okay I'll have a beautiful baby to cuddle.

Happy Wednesday!


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