Sunday, December 23, 2012

looking at Mary differently this Christmas

I feel like I'm looking at Christmas much differently this year. Songs on the radio to do with Mary bring me to tears as Bubba kicks inside me. Today on our weekly trip to superstore for groceries I caught myself realizing that these songs are different to me now because I AM a MOTHER! This little one inside me is growing strong, kicking away, getting ready to be born and be in my arms. I can actually relate to Mary this Christmas, I actually understand what it feels like to have a child grow in my body. Because it's happening TO ME right now!

But Mary birthed a child who would one day die a death that was prophesied on a cross that would save humanity. Obviously that won't be Bubba's fate. But she was probably nervous too about labour, birth, raising a child, breast feeding. She probably wondered about so many things. The difference is her baby was destined to die, I don't know how she could have had that faith. To me, Mary has become more than just the mother of Jesus but also an extraordinary woman of God. I have a husband, I'm 27 years old with a home, job and money in the bank. I'm going to deliver Bubba in a hospital with doctors, nurses and drugs! She was unmarried, poor, and SO young. Many believe she was around 13 years of age, delivering her child in a filthy stable with animals surrounding her, NOT doctors. She could have been killed! Yet she faithfully had her son, believing that God would protect them and provide.

So thank-you mother of Jesus for being so strong and giving birth to the reason we celebrate Christmas. I'll be here shedding my tears for you to all the songs until they stop and the new year begins. And you know, I'm okay with that!! 😊

Baby grew again!

Merry Christmas to all!

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