Thursday, December 13, 2012

meet my precious baby Bubba!

Today was just one of those extraordinary days that you never forget. I got to meet my baby via ultrasound and (s)he is gorgeous, but of course I'm biased. To see Bubba on that screen moving around was so surreal. There were a few times when I caught myself thinking "that's YOUR baby! It's in YOUR body!" Wow!

We are fortunate enough to have a friend who does ultrasounds so she made the experience extra special. Thank you SO MUCH Leigh-Ann! If you're reading this, I can not even express how incredibly grateful we are. You'll be seeing us as long as you're available with all our little Bubbas.

I bet you're wondering about the details? Okay here they are:
* Bubba is measuring 22 weeks in a few measurements (I'm dated at 21 weeks and 1 day today) if this means an earlier delivery then we could have a baby on Cam's 32nd birthday or my brother Jason's 26th birthday
* Bubba's heartbeat was at 139, but Leigh-Ann reassured me that this does NOT indicate the gender
* Bubba's legs measure in the 90th percentile, we're going to have a long baby!!
* All is healthy and developing normally. We are very happy and thankful for this for sure!
* we do not know the gender, only Leigh-Ann knows and I doubt she'll tell you if you ask her!

There (s)he is! I'm so in love with my Bubba, boy or girl, it doesn't matter to me. I can't wait to meet my precious child.


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