Saturday, September 09, 2006

so school, although stressing about the homework, Im eager to get back on campus tomorrow night. I organized all of my books and wrote out a scheduale of all my assignments, there are actually not as many as I first anticipated. I think I'll do alright this semester! I think that I'll be okay... work these past couple shifts have been a walk in the park! it's so easy! Some people have been annoying, but thats what happens when you work with the public, o-well. I'll put on my happy face and ask for Gods paitence and love to shine through and be apart of me, especially at work.... I just cant let it phase me. I need the money, desperately! And Gods providing! so yay for that.
Even though this year is going to be crazy busy, I am not so stressed out about it anymore. Which I am thankful for, I am just going to take it a day and month at a time, and rest in Gods faithfulness.

well.... ive been doing a lot of thinking about my whole schooling, my semester this year and the next. You see I am in the Intercultural Studies BA program, which includes a eight month (minimun) internship missions trip to anywhere I want to go (or more like anywhere God tells me to go) before I wasnt so excited for it, more scared and terrified of the thought of it. But now that I have two amazing mission classes this semester I can't stop thinking about it. And I cant hep but feel the huge nudge and painful push to go January 2008, instead of my planned September 2008. SO! I am going to go in and make an appointment with Brian the missions director at CBC and see what he says, I know he'll encourage me to go for sure in January and if everything comes together super well, maybe that'll just be the case. WOW! I mean Ive always been super excited to do missions, but this will be alone, just me, in Africa most likly, doing Gods work. Its a dream come true, yet a scary reality. So, please pray for this internship, for Gods guidence. Cause I really hear him yelling at me to go in Jaunary instead of waiting and pushing it farther cause I want things my way. I want things to happen in life before I go, I want things to be secure before I go, I want to go with Dara! hahaha... but Im hearing him say that my life is his and HE SAYS when I go not me, and that life will be fine and his will is going to be done when I get back.... I hear him calling me to prepare myself and take these mission classes super seirously.
So.... here we go, lets see what happens!!!

O yah... Im going to China next summer! :) on a missions trip with my church, its not for sure yet cause I havent applied and I havent payed anything, but Im confident that I'll have the opportunity. Im super SUPER excited! :)

Be Blessed! **big smiles**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

our church is going to CHINA next summer !?!??! You'd think being married to a pastor I'd hear about these things!