Saturday, March 10, 2007

so Im aware that this is an old picture, taken on Cams birthday last year (april 17) BUT the reason for the post is that... I GOT CONTACTS TODAY!!! and this picture represents the last time I wore contacts for an extended amount of time, before I ran out and became a broke college student. Now that my glasses broke, and I took a kaaa-ching outta my bank account... my parents were kind enough to step in and offer to buy me contacts from costco for a third of the price my glasses cost and half the price I paid last year to have contacts! so yippeee.. for finding a waaaaay cheaper way to buy contacts and a even louder yippeee that my mommy and daddy are happy and loving enough (out of pity I guess) to buy me a six-month supply... heck! I should accidently break more expensive yet manditory stuff more often! :) *heehee*... I'll post another more recent pic of my non-glass wearing lifestyle as soon as Im back at school and re-united with my camera, maybe I'll coax Cam into a pic as well!

**Hugz** and Blessings to all!

O... and yes, DON'T FORGET to spring ahead tonight! :)


Lauren Laidler said...

hiya! hope you are doing great nicole. thanks for the blog updates - i love reading them! keep em coming! hope you are still enjoying your contacts! keep smiling & God bless! love ya! xoxo

kortney said...

Nicole, I'd REALLY like to get together with you. What are you doing Friday afternoon?