Sunday, March 30, 2008

as i take a much needed break from statistic studying, i thought that i would post... finally, its been a while and i really liked Kortneys comment in my last post. what kind of procrastinator am i? well, im not sure but i know that it doesn't always involve the computer, i spend hours doing homework at night (like last night i was up until 3am writing a paper!) but anyways...

lately, ive been discovering what it means to be a wife. what i means to support Cam in everything, even the things that i find painful. but thats what marriage is... its support, its love, its paitence. and well, falling in love with Cam has brought me to discover how set i am in some ways, some thinkings, some expectations. that my "first born, only girl, spoiled brat" mentality has gotten me heartbroken, many times, with no real idea as to why. im sure many of you have gone through what i have, or maybe not, i have no real clue. but i know that for myself, having one expectation that i thought i would never have to see be incapable for Cam, is heartbreaking. however, the experience of being there to support, encourage and help is shaping the way that i will love him for the rest of my life, which means shaping the way i will be "wife". this being a positive and wonderful result.
man alive... who ever said that relationships were easy, i seriously want to kick that person in the crotch! like seriously.
i agree with Cam when he says that society plays the whole "you just fall in love and live happily ever after" BULL CRAP!
Cam and i have put blood, sweat and tears (or at least I cry!) into our relationship and we still face rocky cliffs. I am SO THANKFUL that God is such a huge part of who we are, i am sooooo excited that God shapes us, changes us and challenges us, through the love we have for each other. its amazing to me, and wonderful.

the person i am becoming is all due to my relationship with Cam and the grace given to me from God. this is the most incredible gift that i would NEVER trade in life...

well... Cam came in, and he just made fun of me :P
geeezzzzz, hahahah, back to the books... NOOOOOOOOOOooOoooOOOOoooo


1 comment:

alissa said...

you're right you know... take a look at movies... they always end with the couple getting together, or with them getting married and that's the end...I think it was the movie "Ever After" that got closest, when at the end they say, "well the point, my dear, is that.... they LIVED" i think you can make happily ever after happen, but it doesn't occur without a lot of effort and blood and sweat and tears and energy and apology... it's an interesting thing... this whole being a wife, being married thing... you can wax philosophical about it all you like... about how you're supposed to "be the helpmate" and "support your spouse" and blah blah blah... its a whole new kick in the pants when you get home from work and the house is dirty and there's no food in the fridge and your spouse is sick, laying on the couch with his third cold in a row and you're tired and you don't feel like taking care of somebody else... that's when the whole "for better or for worse" comes in and you get to exercise your choice to love or not to love this person...